Elric the new flatmate is addicted to TV in a really scary way. Within micro seconds of entering the flat the TV is switched on. Whether this is for comfort or not I’m not entirely sure. Yes I do own 3 TV’s and yes I do have both Sky Digital and On Digital plus a VCR and multi region DVD [erm I see a pattern emerging here]. Just because I own them doesn’t mean I feel the need to get value for money from them by having them constantly in use. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy vegging in front of the TV as much as the next person but I really do draw the line at a rehash of old carry on film clips put together disjointedly in an attempt to make it look funny and saucy. I mean talk about melting your brain. My friend Jacs bought me some books for my 30th birthday last year and I was amazed by how much I had forgotten existed outside that little flat screen. I think lots of people were hinting actually because FF also bought me books. I have yet to read memoirs of a geisha but it is next on my list. I am unable to read more than one at a time [low attention span I think]. So although I have enjoyed their selections I have set out some of my requests in my amazon wishlist – just in time for yet another birthday. They seemto be almost annual these days.
Talking of Elric as I was he seems to have been a good influence. well not him actually but the presence of someone else in the flat. I want to run a household beyond reproach since I am now sort of responsible for it’s presentation to another human being. When it was just me and a select few people I invited it didn’t matter that much. Now however anyone may turn up and I would be horrified if everything wasn’t in order – okay so I am very prepared to be horrified. I mean really who has time to work play and tidy up?