meg has just rebranded >random

meg has just rebranded >random encounters in everday life”>strangelyfamiliar and to complement it I have put together – go have a look and enjoy. ::free email ::message boards
While strangely familiar is for telling stories about random encounters in everyday life, passing glances is about trying to track down people you might have noticed on the train, in a bar, at your local shop, in a club, and want to contact. Register and leave your message – if they find you, they can contact you via email. Sneaky, huh?

mixed day – the DNS

mixed day – the DNS problems sorted themselves out- with relief. I think I may have just been being impatient. Got invited to scally’s to finish the haggis next wednesday. Did lots of house type stuff washing and the like. Went out for a long walk with Jack as it was a lovely day. Met Spence and Abi for drinks and had a generally pleasant day. Realised how completely lost I would be if I had to move into a smaller flat now that I have become accustomed to so much space. I remember when I was in one room and how I coped with so little space. All my books in boxes – which I know to some people is the only way to keep books [foms] – all my other stuff stored at my parents.
panicked that there is less than a week until the party now and I have nothing prepared yet, the following week-end I am at Eurodisney and the I am off to Singapore and Sydney – it is all happening so quickly. Shouldn’t complain – I’ll make sure I get plenty of aspirin though for the flight to oz.

happy happy monday – for

happy happy monday – for the first time in ages a monday has been good. :o) Probably has a lot to do with last night though late night but fun.
just been looking at the MardiGras2000 website for ideas and things for next month. It all looks so much better than pride and mardi gras do here in London. I think it has something to do with the weather!
meg has finally lost the plot! I mean what does she think she is doing? Happy bunny today too I think though :o)