‘There was a boy called John…’ When Crichton is interrogated by the Eidolons and has to explain his predicament, he says he does it for the 89th time. This is a reference to Ben Browder’s voice-over for the opening sequence of the 88 episodes of the Farscape series. Sky One have been using this voice over and a rather catchy tune for the farscape adverts – It’s great a nice close up of Ben every 15 mins or so :o)
I’m not obsessing though – honest! Although I can’t get the tune out of my head. Must look that up and find out who it’s by.
notetoself: keep up
So I don’t check the Appple Trailers for a while and all of a sudden there is a new Farscape Movie. I mean hello… Ben Browder on the big screen :o)
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friday diversions
Not that we need one today. It’s a Bank Holiday here in the UK and it’s sunny outside but…
1. Who is your favorite celebrity?
I honestly don’t think I have one. I like a few of them but it’s hard to say you have a favourite when I don’t know them.
2. Who is your least favorite?
Pretty much the same really. A lot of them get on my nerves. Uri Geller for instance or Tara Whatsername (the “it” girl). I would hesitate to pick one I least liked though. There are so many that you just think – why are they a celebrity. I could do a list but it would be quite long. They may actually be really nice in real life though so I’ll reserve judgement on that too.
3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?
Way too many to count. I used to work for Danny “fifty years in the business darling” La Rue. Hence I met a lot of his friends and when we had the opening of the bar there were more celebrities than you could shake a stick at.
4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?
Hell no. Rich yes, famous no. I like my privacy every now and then thank you very much. One stalker was enough for me 😉
5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?
The rude version of this would be to swap with Ben Browder so I could ahem…
The not so rude version would be oh who am I kidding. Ben Browder please :o)
Photo Friday
This week’s challenge: “Water“.
Friday Five
Photo Friday
No more Ben Browder :(
John points out that Farscape aired it’s final show whilst I was out of the country (damn I knew I forgot to get something taped what with 24 and all).
I’m kind of happy I can delay the inevitable though as I missed the majority of the final season. So at least I have something to look forward to – I’ll get it on DVD when it’s out.
no way!
Dave at work just sent me a link to a site that claims Farscape is being canned :o( After a little investigation it appears this is true :o( no more Ben Browder fixes for me then – good job I had a big Matt Damon fix last night then. Phew.
the weekend
well an interesting weekend all in all – I was going to revert to a weekend in
hypertext but then realised a lot of it would be missed as there are
no related websites. Friday night was a bit of a rest and recuperation from the
working week – I know it was only 3 days but it’s about 3 weeks since the last
time I worked! The boyf was washing his hair [I know and there was no joke] even
though he has just had a #1. Still it did mean I got some much needed rest. Saturday
was a mixed day – went and ordered the carpet for my hall – it will be the first
time I have had carpet in the hall for a year and a half. So now all I need to
do is remove all the laminate I laid at the top before realising I couldn’t get
it to go down the stairs. DIYtastic – not! After tidying and the other usual weekend
chores I got bored and the boyf still wanted to spend time on his own so I decided
to take the plunge and go out on my own – I bottled it though and luckily Rob was already going out. Unfortunately
he was going to the reflex in kingston 🙁 too many memories I figured of when
I used to go to the reflex when it was still in putney. I spent part of the night
looking for tom before I remembered.other than that though I had a fab night –
cheers rob 🙂 I was introduced to his friends [including the cute ginger craig]
and bumped into Robin who I knew from when I used to be the assistant manager
at the Old Doctor Butlers Head in the city. He used to come on a thursday night
when the gay mens professionals used to meet in the upstairs bar. Sunday as ever
after a heavy night was spent mostly vegging in front of the TV watching totty.
Ben Browder, Paul from S Club, some rather cute bloke on Sliders – played Deric
played by Eddie Mills
When we weren’t vegging though we managed to go to the common and walk the dogs
and to the local for quite possibly the best meal I have eaten. The lovely lady
behind the bar asked Rob and I completely without irony if we wanted chicken or
beef We both had beef although in real life Rob normally does chicken! In
fact the only downer of the day was the number of adverts for McDonalds – I could
quote it word for word – but I’m not going to. Still no sign of the boyf though
– he sent me a text earlier to say he couldn’t come for a walk as he was too ill
and he was going out with mates to see Lord of the Rings. Call me paranoid but
I think this needs an entry in the other blog…
Ben Browder hubba hubba
Ben Browder hubba hubba
the farscape marathon is on
the farscape marathon is on sci fi at the moment which is a huge dose of Ben Browder for your money :o) hurrah!
okay so if it isn’t people looking for nude pics of connie then it’s people who hate her that end up at my site. I wonder if it is Connie or if it’s AOL they hate – seems they actually hate ‘Connie AOL’ – a new brand from AOL Time Warner?
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