cool new browser plugin

Thanks Dave for sending me a link to cooliris which is a great browser plugin – I love Flickr and now with the help of cooliris browsing photostreams is much more fun and so much easier – cooliris works on hundreds of sharing and web 2.0 websites, including the likes of Bebo, Facebook, Friendster, Google, Yahoo and Photobucket oh and not forgetting YouTube

AOL Pictures

Techcrunch is bemoaning AOL Pictures relaunch. I think they are missing something though.

Flickr, photobucket, bubbleshare and others may well look slicker and have more intuitive UI but they simply do not have the userbase potential AOL has from the start.

You simply wouldn’t get the gems shown here on bubbleshare et al.
halloween dogs towel art flashing picture
Not to mention the people who simply don’t get the point of tags.
love u mum we always miss ya is not a tag!

flickr and maps

Those lovely people over at flickr have integrated geotagging and yahoo maps into the organiser function. Very nice integration. Well if you live in the US it is. If you live in say London…

You might have more of a problem. Yahoo maps just simply doesn’t cut the mustard for this kind of application. Well any application actually. Let’s compare Google and Yahoo maps for my neighbourhood.

You can see if you look closely towards the centre a big square block called Du Cane Court. Well you can on the map on the left (google) on the right you just see a blur of housing.

Top 20 Photo’s on flickr

#1: Desk Trauma

#2: Sydney Opera House

#3: Sydney Harbour

#4: Madonna Concert

#5: I love porn

#6: Sydney Opera House

#7: Sydney Opera House

#8: ipod central

#9: Fireman

#10: Signs

#11: mg_105-0591_img

#12: Firemen in Rome

#13: Glass Block Wall

#14: Glass Block Wall

#15: Brooklyn Bridge

#16: Sydney Opera House

#17: brighton pride

#18: Huge Plane

#19: Madonna in Concert

#20: Sydney Opera House


Okay so I slept through most of yesterdays events. Other than waking for the odd text from far flung friends and family checking I was okay.
I watched events unfold during waking moments and was as horrified as I was in a similar situation (off work and ill) in 2001 during the awful bombings in New York.
The major difference I think is this time with more and more people having blogs and using image sharing tools like flickr and YGP there seems to be a lot of people using the event to boost their popularity. Taking screengrabs of websites and uploading them to a photo-sharing site or picture stills from TV. Yes if you were there uploading pics of the scene or how it affected you. That’s the kind of pictures I want to see, personal views of how it affected people. Like the bloggers in New York describing the events on the day and pictures out of peoples windows. That was in some ways more informative than any of the news channels. Regurgitating someone elses work and adding your name to it seems a little, well, rude.
There is now even a group pool on flickr. Not content with having 9/11 now we need to have yesterdays horrific events shortened to the brandtastic 7/7.
Screengrabs and TV stills aside there is very little shown of London and how it continued in the face of such adversity.