- @WendyWilliams: I would love to see GaySocialites.com's @charleswinters introduce you on your show one morning! #
- Lots of new pictures from the Two Tommies Wedding Trip on Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/8lettersuk/ #
cool new browser plugin
Thanks Dave for sending me a link to cooliris which is a great browser plugin – I love Flickr and now with the help of cooliris browsing photostreams is much more fun and so much easier – cooliris works on hundreds of sharing and web 2.0 websites, including the likes of Bebo, Facebook, Friendster, Google, Yahoo and Photobucket oh and not forgetting YouTube
I never realised…
You can do a vanity search on your flickr image use. “originally uploaded by 8lettersuk“
flickr and maps
Those lovely people over at flickr have integrated geotagging and yahoo maps into the organiser function. Very nice integration. Well if you live in the US it is. If you live in say London…
You might have more of a problem. Yahoo maps just simply doesn’t cut the mustard for this kind of application. Well any application actually. Let’s compare Google and Yahoo maps for my neighbourhood.
You can see if you look closely towards the centre a big square block called Du Cane Court. Well you can on the map on the left (google) on the right you just see a blur of housing.
I love the internet
youTube great video sharing site a bit like flickr but for videos. So you get short films, uploaded adverts and humourless american kids who think they are funny.
Popbitch – funny as anything.
Combine the two and you get a promotion of a great (but not safe for work) video of a footballer falling out of his shorts 😉
Live 8
Okay so now I have some pics on flickr of Live 8 at http://www.flickr.com/photos/8lettersuk/tags/live8/
Also a little video here of people running to get to the front of the main area when the gates opened at 12.
(erm looks to be not working – I’ll fix that ASAP) In the mean time why not check out all the concerts at www.aol.co.uk/live8
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