Nice quiet evening with lots of wine – acquainted myself with the downstairs neighbours and introduced them to the new flatmate. They have lots in common so that was nice. Also swapped stories about the dome and how awful it was. Better go to bed as it is a school night. My body clock is well and truly buggered.
oh I am having so
oh I am having so many problems with the format of this page and the java etc – I am having a bit of a mare 🙁 coupled witht he fact that every time I try to publish with blogger I get trapped inside a Blogger edit window showing “Active Server Pages error ‘ASP 0113′”! not good I can tell you 🙁
phew whata hectic day at
phew whata hectic day at work 🙁 Back with a bang 🙁
Just discovered I hadn’t lost
Just discovered I hadn’t lost all my archives so have linked up December. I was bored of webcams anyways 😉
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