what a week end – the irish have a reputation for being friendly but I must say that they go far beyond this. I spent the weekend staying with a friend from work at his parents in Malahide [about 10 miles north of Dublin] and they not only put me up [even moving around so I had a room of my own] but also on a weekend they were having a family party and gran coming to stay as she was not well – hospitality was fantastic and lovely people. The flowers I got by way of a thank you seemed small and insignificant.
If anyone is over in Dublin by the way you can do far worse than taking a trip up that way – the beach is lovely and reminded me a lot of home [my parents basically live the opposite side of the Irish Sea].
On Friday night we went to HQ with work colleagues which was nice and then on Saturday went shopping with the girls and were due to visit the Guinness Brewery [davo has a cool perspex thingy with a blob of guinness in it] but we never managed it 🙁 so that is now on my hit list for next time. Allegedly there is a really cool bar too with views over the city but you need to go on the tour [or have a corporate function] to get in there.
Saturday evening we started off in Pravda and then moved to Q bar [a straight version] and then onto Fireworks which was fantastic. I never normally do straight pubs and clubs but had a really good time. Fireworks used to be the fire station and is now a huge 3 floor pub/club venue which would go down well in London – so I highly recommend it.
I also learnt that scally has broken his arm [poor lamb] on Saturday. Go send him a card or something 🙂
note to self
how's my typing?