Equals this:
You feel worn out, physically and mentally. Recently the going has been tough .. and it looks as if there is still a considerable way for you to go before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you could put a protecting wall around yourself and cut yourself off from the rest of the world – be it even for only a little while – how wonderful it would be, but you can’t … so you need to bear with it. Just when everything will seem at its lowest ebb you will find that there is a turnabout … and your problems will seem to find a way of resolving themselves.
Uncanny really – anyone would think they had known about my party at the weekend 🙂
Go try it yourself – you know you want to. [link via one tablet daily]
My profile in full. Not sure I agree with the high opinion bit though. – amybe I do?
You feel worn out, physically and mentally. Recently the going has been tough .. and it looks as if there is still a considerable way for you to go before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you could put a protecting wall around yourself and cut yourself off from the rest of the world – be it even for only a little while – how wonderful it would be, but you can’t … so you need to bear with it. Just when everything will seem at its lowest ebb you will find that there is a turnabout … and your problems will seem to find a way of resolving themselves.
You are very self-sufficient and methodical. You presume to know where you are going.. but need to find a person who will recognise the way you are … not be too demanding and who is, as they say in Italy, “Simpatico”.
You have a high opinion of yourself……It is perhaps because of this self-centredness, that you become exasperated when you feel that your needs are misinterpreted by those around you. When this happens.. and it does quite often…you feel that there is no-one that can understand the way you feel, and it is because of this egocentric self that you are quick to take offence.
Setback after setback has resulted in considerable stress and now you have got to the stage that you are continuously on your guard, not only to protect yourself from others but to protect yourself from yourself. It would seem that many of your unfulfilled hopes and dreams have led to uncertainty and suspicion. You no longer wish to answer to others and you are insisting on freedom of thought. You feel that you are fully self-sufficient and can control your own destiny. You are seeking ways to protect yourself from further loss of prestige and against further setbacks. You have become very dependent and you doubt that matters could possibly get any better in the immediate future and this negative attitude is leading you to exaggerate your claims and to refuse reasonable compromise.
You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you … There is no harm in “dreaming”. But it is you – and only you that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.
No matter what colours you select, no matter what order, they always come up with something negative, something that could apply to just about anyone, really. I tried a number of different combinations, including my least favourite to favourite, and was told pretty much the same vaguely negative thing each time.If you can’t say something nice…
hmmm…why so negative?