I’m back and all lovely and tanned and relaxed and refreshed and stuff 🙂 More on that later – off out to play now as I am still in the holiday mood.
*terms and conditions may apply, may contain nuts, may not be valid in all countires, subject to staus, only available for a limited period, etc etc
I so hate small print – no really I do. All these stupid offers for things which you can’t use because some stupid bit of small print says hey no way can you get a good deal matey.
I’d like to go to San Fransisco for SF Pride so on the site it says I can get a faggot discount if I fly United <scally> I want to fly United as they are Star Alliance </scally> and so called with the code but hey it’s only valid in the US – boo.
Then I want to go on holiday next week and every lastminute deal has stupid exception as to why you can’t just book and go. GRRRRR It’s enough to make you want to go on holiday…
I need a holiday
and I am off next week for a whole week – you know like 5 days – so maybe I should just go and book one?
Of course if life were this simple everyone with spare time would be going off on holiday 😉
Seriously though last night I managed to fall asleep at approximately 19:05 and awake at around 03:00 for 2 minutes [pee break] and then not awake again until 08:10.
So somewhere hot and sunny I think to recgharge my batteries – I haven’t been on a proper holiday since this time last year when I went to Sydney Mardi Gras.
Better get myself off to lastminute.com or something then 😉
ooh ooh
I’m going on holiday 🙂 Andrew just booked flights somewhere so I need to be at the airport tomorrow morning nastily early – so no updates for at least a week. Be good and play nicely whilst I’m gone.
Mrs Scouse
When I worked for Danny La Rue I worked with a number of other Iain’s and we had a couple of regulars also caled Iain so it was a pretty confusing place. In order to make it less complicated for our colleagues and friends we adopted a number of nicknames – some of which have stuck into later life and some which were dropped fairly quickly.
The chef became scottish Iain, Ian who worked accross the street in Foyles became Ian Foyles and I became Iain Scouse. Ian who I lived with remained just Ian – not sure how he managed that but he did.
We worked with a guy from LA called Stevie and before he moved back permenantly to the US we took him up to Liverpool to see some of the North.
As we were pulling into my parents driveway he got all flustereed and turned to James, Ian and I and said “so what do I call your parents then, Mr and Mrs Scouse?”
He was genuinely suprised when we told him Scouse was a nickname.
As you can imagine we didn’t hold it together very well and laughter ensued at every reference to scouse from then on 😉
happy and sad
I spent the weekend helping Dave move into Meg and Paul‘s flat in West Kensington. It was fun and I enjoyed it and didn’t need the present [I am dying to go look at my wishlist to see what it is but am being restrained].
I am also a little sad as it is yet another sign of the impending travels of our favourite kiwi. Invercargill never sounded so far away as it did on Sunday morning.
I think helping Luke and Catherine [Yes I know it is sounding more and more like a blog meet even missing out Twom and Matt] clean the flat put me in a cleaning frenzy as I came home Sunday afternoon and emptied 2 bin bags of clothing to go to charidee. Yes I know it’s obscene I had that many clothes [I still own too many but now they mostly all fit in the wardrobe].
I have to add that Dave and I watched a programme on Friday night [Does Doug Know?] and laughed all the way through. My favourite line was the one about Will from Popstars being an Augustus. The uy then had to explain the entire Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story and Augustus Gloop and how he died – you don;t need me to go there trust me.
hubba hubba
thanks to Rob and his mate Oliver for sending me a link to Paul Cattermole with less clothes than is possibly good for him 😉
Certainly less than is good for me on a friday morning 🙂
visual candy
was watching tv with Andrew last night and Mutant X was on Sky, so we decided that Forbes March was a bit of alright when Andrew [who also decided he quite liked Victor Webster] came out with the classic line “You know how I don’t do bottom very often well I’d be spit roasted or sandwiched with those two!”
So there you have it – Mutant X is endorsed by the gay community in my Lounge.
Oh I forgot to mention as well that rocksttargame.com is back up and running.
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