I spent the weekend helping Dave move into Meg and Paul‘s flat in West Kensington. It was fun and I enjoyed it and didn’t need the present [I am dying to go look at my wishlist to see what it is but am being restrained].
I am also a little sad as it is yet another sign of the impending travels of our favourite kiwi. Invercargill never sounded so far away as it did on Sunday morning.
I think helping Luke and Catherine [Yes I know it is sounding more and more like a blog meet even missing out Twom and Matt] clean the flat put me in a cleaning frenzy as I came home Sunday afternoon and emptied 2 bin bags of clothing to go to charidee. Yes I know it’s obscene I had that many clothes [I still own too many but now they mostly all fit in the wardrobe].
I have to add that Dave and I watched a programme on Friday night [Does Doug Know?] and laughed all the way through. My favourite line was the one about Will from Popstars being an Augustus. The uy then had to explain the entire Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story and Augustus Gloop and how he died – you don;t need me to go there trust me.
note to self
how's my typing?