Does anyone else fancy going to see New Order at Finsbury Park on Sunday 9th June? email(‘Let me know’).
oh and ever wanted to make sure your nose was really clean?
[via iain]
Does anyone else fancy going to see New Order at Finsbury Park on Sunday 9th June? email(‘Let me know’).
oh and ever wanted to make sure your nose was really clean?
[via iain]
why is it that hindsight is 20:20? I [with hindsight] stupidly showed this page to a friend at work and then, he decided to show it to the entire company – so hey in for a penny in for a pound – may as well show the entire blog community too!
All I can say is Chris should maybe look for a design job.
Spring has sprung definitely. I was faced with a dilema of needing a haircut but without a barber. My old one closed 🙁
So I wandered along Hammersmith Road and went to the barbers there [Ziad’s Barber Shop] – was very very nice and they do shaves too [which I need at the moment] I bottled out of the shave but may try it next month!
In the spirit of newness and change I went to the coffee bean cafe. It was so refreshing not to have to say what I wanted 12 times before being given the wrong food, as inevitably happens at the albanian sandwich shop I usually frequent.
I am enjoying change – what is wrong with me? It normally induces me with panic.
Meg was just talking about this. I was thinking about it this time last week but couldn;t think how to express it – so I’ll just tell you about it and you can reword it in your own head.
I was reading Nick Hornby – How to Be Good which was a christmas gift and very very funny. I sat onthe tube with Spence and Glenn and the guy next to me was reading the same book – okay not a big deal really. He was on exactly the same page though and that did freak me out a bit.
Now get this, Yesterday on the train to work I am reading one of my birthday gifts, Paul Bailey – Three Queer Lives and the guy opposite was also reading it. This never happened when I was reading Patricia Cornwell!
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