
I’ve just come back from a leaving lunch. One of my colleagues has grasped the bull by the horns and is moving to Italy. Although for him the future is all bright and breezy. For the rest of us work will continue on.
Luke eloquently puts into words how others just feel about friends leaving for foreign climes. We feel with you mate. We were sad when you left London for your return to Oz. We knew you would have a great time when you returned and all but for us it was same old same old.
I’ve had a fair few friends leave recently. Many for places they are unlikely to return from. I was the one leaving (albeit from only 3 weeks holiday) last time and yet the goodbyes at the airport where strained with emotions bubbling under the surface.
I think the sooner they make personal transporters the better. Then we could still meet up for beers that odd wednesday night for old times sake.

they read my mind


Equals this:
You feel worn out, physically and mentally. Recently the going has been tough .. and it looks as if there is still a considerable way for you to go before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you could put a protecting wall around yourself and cut yourself off from the rest of the world – be it even for only a little while – how wonderful it would be, but you can’t … so you need to bear with it. Just when everything will seem at its lowest ebb you will find that there is a turnabout … and your problems will seem to find a way of resolving themselves.

Uncanny really – anyone would think they had known about my party at the weekend 🙂
Go try it yourself – you know you want to. [link via one tablet daily]
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