I have no idea where today has gone 🙁 I managed to finally complete my appraisal form for work – i’ve been putting it off all week cos it was kind of daunting. Plus I had no idea what to write about as I have been here for 2 years without an appraisal so makes it kind of hard all of a sudden to have one… still i’ll be able to plan my career better. Also had to go over my assistants forms [as I’ll be appraising him] luckily that was much easier. So the sun is out and I’m probably going out for some drinks tonight with friends. Elric is off on holiday for 2 weeks so I get the flat to myself which will be nice. Looking forward to a nice week end – let’s hope it is as hot as last week. More naked sunbathing on the roof is in order if it is hot :o).
note to self
how's my typing?