okay so Jack is officially sick :o(
He visited the vet this morning and had the indignity of a thermometer up his bum! He has been vomiting all night and then had the runs this morning. So after a consultation at the vet he has had a couple of jabs and given some tablets to take for the next few days and has oral rehydration powder for his water to keep him from dehydrating. poor poor jack – he is currently wrapped in my duvet zedding away.
This of course means that I am not in work today – should have been my first day back but jack has put paid to that idea. I did consider taking him in with me but he has been puking alll over the flat this morning too so maybe not the best way for him to meet my work colleagues.
In other news dave-o has scored some chicken over the week-end so we can start calling him the colonel now 😉 and he also posted a rather cute pic of himself. something I have been loathe to do on this site – who wants to see pics of me eh? I mean… so here is one of dave-o instead!