oh and Jack has an ear infection now – I am feeling mighty guilty about leaving for the US in the morning and leaving him in the care of Fran. poor ickle mite!
dave at work just sent
dave at work just sent me an im with this little snippet
And if intelligent stories, witty dialogue and out-of-this-world production values aren’t enough to entice the uninitiated into Farscape’s orbit, the show has one last trick up its sleeve. “We’ve got alien sex going on,” Browder says, perfectly imitating the sideshow barkers of yore. “It’s hot, it’s sexy… it’s aliens!”
had a really nice conversation
had a really nice conversation with my ex tonight. he has put an offer in on a flat near me in streatham with a garden so that will be nice for Jack. he is going on holiday to thailand next week! I was wondering how he had managed to save enough for the deposit but he is getting a 100% mortgage so that answered that one. I was kind of worried about Jack when I first had him full time as it meant I could not go out as much and certainly could not go anywhere straight from work so missed all the leaving drinks etc. Now I have gotten used to it and am worried about him living with Nige more of the time – fickle us dog owners you know never can make our minds up what we want – oh and jack has an ear infection too to add to his woes this week – poor ickle mite.
why does everyone ask me
why does everyone ask me so many questions?
dave-o wanted to know what
dave-o wanted to know what jack lookede like so here he is and for those that want to see him looking cute – but a larger pic then try this link
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