So I’m a little older today than I was yesterday (although that is true of everyday). So I bought myself a present. A flight to Singapore/Sydney/Bangkok/Singapore/London – just in time for Harbour Party and Mardi Gras. Oh and of course Jo’s Birthday!
Plus I get to visit Ian in Thailand which is cool – been promising I’d do that for years.
The presents you get yourself are normally the best but flights are brilliant :o)
Matt got me a great gift – a months subscription to the non work friendly all american heroes website. ;o) Porn the gift that keeps on giving LOL!
And northy got me…
had a really nice conversation
had a really nice conversation with my ex tonight. he has put an offer in on a flat near me in streatham with a garden so that will be nice for Jack. he is going on holiday to thailand next week! I was wondering how he had managed to save enough for the deposit but he is getting a 100% mortgage so that answered that one. I was kind of worried about Jack when I first had him full time as it meant I could not go out as much and certainly could not go anywhere straight from work so missed all the leaving drinks etc. Now I have gotten used to it and am worried about him living with Nige more of the time – fickle us dog owners you know never can make our minds up what we want – oh and jack has an ear infection too to add to his woes this week – poor ickle mite.
the internet is a really
the internet is a really wierd place – I mean you only need to look at this whole blogger thing. Reading other peoples diaries [well most of them are diaries really] and taking a peek into their lives. Kind of voyeuristic don’t email(‘you’) think?
Then of course you start to chat to people online – those with blogs [dave, meg, scally, joe, jen] and those without [gaaydaar, mojo, frenk].
chatting to people about clubs in singapore and restaurants in thailand is a bit surreal.
not that I’m complaining though
feel free to email(‘mail’) me or
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