Major Fraud

Now I don’t normally watch who wants to be a millionaire but this evening ITV1 was showing a ‘special’. They showed a programme called Major Fraud which outlined the case against Major Charles Ingram along with his wife Diana and Tecwen Whittock.
It was cringeworthy watching it and I’m not sure if it is normally that bad.
Benylin get the award for best product placement in a commercial break though. Considering the first advert in this was for their cough medicine 🙂

Scared of flying?

I flew 17,280k this month and again last month on my return leg. December I flew 39,254k so in total the last three months I’ve clocked up a fair few airpoints.
I’m not scared of flying – never have been – I need to travel far too much to let transport get in the way.
However the recent stories of a super bug travelling via plane routes is worrying me. I spent a good hour at Kuala Lumpur airport mixing with other passengers and therefore potentially a lethal super virus.
It’s not like HIV, you don’t have to mix blood or other bodily fluids. You can just sit on a plane and breathe in recycled air. Wander around an airport lounge and inhale someone elses germs froma cough or a sneeze.
It reminds me a little of the film Twelve Monkeys when a deadly virus is distributed by a scientist on his trip around the world. That wass intentional in the real world it seems mere accident is spreading the virus.
So now I am a little more concerned about flying.

cough splutter

okay so I dragged myself back to the doctors this morning as my chest really hadn’t improved since my infsction a few weeks ago and I now have a new set of antibiotics. I had a choice in fact [kid in a candy store comes to mind] I could have scary sounding ones 4 a day which might make me ill over the weekend whilst in Amsterdam or I could have the other similar ones twice a day without feeling ill. So I am on the 4 a day NOT!

I also have to admit that on saturday night I was gobsmacked that Jonathan had invited his GP to the party. Today after seeing Dr Foster again I think I might invite him to my 40th, he was really sweet asked about Steve and stuff. So yeah might see if I bump into him around town

sniff sniff..

cold’s are really really annoying. I have one now and am finding it difficult to breathe even with decongestant cold tablets and airwaves chewing gum. The sooner they find a cure for the common cold the better I say – if I go through another winter like last one I’m moving to the country and becoming a hermit.

I’m convinced it’s public transport that spreads these germs around you know. I never used to get sick when I worked in pubs and clubs and my lifestyle then was much worse than it is now.

If they want to spread biological warfare around london then they don’t need crop dusters just drop a vial on a tube or train and half of london would come down with it.

Last year I had the flu jab and I’m sure it gave me every single type of cold and cough and sniffle they were supposed to be preventing so this year I am not going to regardless of how much the company promotes it.

who would have thought a

who would have thought a little tiny bundle of fluff could have caused so much havoc? I stayed around at steve’s a couple of weeks ago and met his adorable little kitten [must post that to] called stella. Now stella and I got on really well – except she made me wheeze a little – which I gave no thought to at all. So anyways friday night meet steve at the airport and head on back to his – I am there for approx 5 minutes before I start to wheeze and cough – so after a little cajoling I take an ani-histamine in case I am allergic to the little bundle of fluff and all was well. Went to meet the outlaws in east london and then jacs in hacney and then back to Steves flat for the night – we ordered chinese and stuff and as the doorbell went to announce said food [completely inappropriate timing too] I start coughing again – in fact not only do I start wheezing but thought i was going to die on the floor of a flat in finchley. So we made a hasty retreat to mine in St Reatham where I managed to breathe normally again. Steve was a complete star and was patient and stuff. Unfortunately though it seems to have left a lasting impression on my lungs – which feel like they have been to hell and back. Still it mean I have quit smoking again – not that I had much choice really – I couldn’t breathe as it is without adding smoke and stuff into the mix.
I hate being sick too – not a good patient 🙁 so thanks are due to boyfs with the patience of a saint today I think