Earlsfield SW18, Courgettes & Bert is evil ;)

I like Earlsfield – I especially like visiting now Jacs has moved there. It’s a nice area and so yesterday on my way for dinner I popped into a few Estate Agents along the way and sussed out the prices of a few places. Not quite as unaffoirdable as I thought three years ago. Still a tad poricey though I think when it’s just me buying it. Still if we don’t have dreams.
Courgettes – that’s the main staple at Jacs and Helen’s recently by all accounts. Urban vegetable subsistence gardening it isn’t but food straight out your garden is great. Unfortunately it’s feast or famine with the blighters. Andrew and I used to have the same problem with swiss chard, tomatoes, pears and numerous other vegetable staples. We’d end up making chutney and strudels and pickling and preserving. I almost felt like I was an extra in the good life!
So when Sinead arrived there were five of us for dinner including Fiona too. Sinead I later discovereed plays tennis with one of the three most important women in my company. I may take up tennis so I can casually ask for that pay rise 😉
During the course of the meal [and a few glasses of bubbly later] Bert the resident cat decided to pay me attention. I love cats but unfortunately am very allergic to them. So last night I spent most of the evning wheezing when I should have been sleeping. I must remember to take my antihistamine next time.

I missed Six Feet Under starting on E4 – thank the lord for second chance sunday is all I can say :o)

who would have thought a

who would have thought a little tiny bundle of fluff could have caused so much havoc? I stayed around at steve’s a couple of weeks ago and met his adorable little kitten [must post that to ickle.org] called stella. Now stella and I got on really well – except she made me wheeze a little – which I gave no thought to at all. So anyways friday night meet steve at the airport and head on back to his – I am there for approx 5 minutes before I start to wheeze and cough – so after a little cajoling I take an ani-histamine in case I am allergic to the little bundle of fluff and all was well. Went to meet the outlaws in east london and then jacs in hacney and then back to Steves flat for the night – we ordered chinese and stuff and as the doorbell went to announce said food [completely inappropriate timing too] I start coughing again – in fact not only do I start wheezing but thought i was going to die on the floor of a flat in finchley. So we made a hasty retreat to mine in St Reatham where I managed to breathe normally again. Steve was a complete star and was patient and stuff. Unfortunately though it seems to have left a lasting impression on my lungs – which feel like they have been to hell and back. Still it mean I have quit smoking again – not that I had much choice really – I couldn’t breathe as it is without adding smoke and stuff into the mix.
I hate being sick too – not a good patient 🙁 so thanks are due to boyfs with the patience of a saint today I think