I flew 17,280k this month and again last month on my return leg. December I flew 39,254k so in total the last three months I’ve clocked up a fair few airpoints.
I’m not scared of flying – never have been – I need to travel far too much to let transport get in the way.
However the recent stories of a super bug travelling via plane routes is worrying me. I spent a good hour at Kuala Lumpur airport mixing with other passengers and therefore potentially a lethal super virus.
It’s not like HIV, you don’t have to mix blood or other bodily fluids. You can just sit on a plane and breathe in recycled air. Wander around an airport lounge and inhale someone elses germs froma cough or a sneeze.
It reminds me a little of the film Twelve Monkeys when a deadly virus is distributed by a scientist on his trip around the world. That wass intentional in the real world it seems mere accident is spreading the virus.
So now I am a little more concerned about flying.