click tax

imagine a world in which if you click here you are taxed?
sounds outlandish doesn’t it, almost like the tax on email idea that turned out to be urban legend. Unfortunately this time it’s no urban legend and a tax on hperlinks is exactly what BT wants as they believe they own patents relating to hyperlinks on the intertnet.
What worries me more is the fact that to tax you they would need to know how often you clicked a hyperlink – and presumably they would also know what hyperlink you clicked…
what happened to privacy?

i wondered how long it would take

for reality to set in when my brother moved back to the UK from singapore. I was speaking with Linda [my sister in law] and ahd this conversation by aim…
Linda: have you heard about us moving and me looking for weekend work to make ends meet?
Me: nope
Linda: Haslemere we think, a flat definitely, and Sainsbury’s are looking for part-timers! Life sucks!

So no more 2 car surrey lifestyle then 🙁 On a serious note though did you know it cost ?60 each for the MMR jabs if you want them seperately and not the combined one offered by the NHS?
That just smacks of do as I say but only if you are poor…


Friday was one of those days where I thought I had gotten away without a fuss for my borthday by having training scheduled all day. I was still caught though around 5 with a birthday cake and card – sugar overdose wasn’t in it 🙂
I got home and then Andrew came around to help me celebrate so we did with a bottle of wine which was nice but left me very hungover on Saturday.
I still managed some DIY though and replaced 2 lights and put up 3 shelves so not exactly the worst day.
That evening though was the AOL Volunteers Bash. So lots of people I haven’t seen for ages and a few I work with too. Thanks to scally I was dragged up twice once to the stage for birthday wishes. I’ll get him back I’m just not sure how yet.
More alcohol than I should possibly have consumed later Rob and I decided to head off to Reflex in Kingston. He crashed at mine and this morning my head hurt lots. By 3ish I was supposed to have been at Jacs for Sunday lunch so took Rob to the station and headed off. Lovely Lunch with old friends from University so lots of reminiscing and drinking. A couple of classic quotes which I can’t share 🙂
So all in all a really nice weekend to turn 32.
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46 days

If you ask any of my friends they will tell you I do not normally run on time – in fact they used to say our entire family where the same – in fact they termed it ‘croll time’.
So it may come as a suprise that I was actually early once. Very early in fact – 32 years ago tomorrow I was 46 days early. I was due to be born on March 27th 1970 and suprised my mum and dad by coming to the party on February 9th. Probably explains a few things like why I am so small and my sever attention span defecit.
There was an advert recently that quoted something like 50p a minute to keep a premature baby alive. Imagine how in debt I was then!

the interwebnet

you know I started my blog because I had the domain and was playing around to learn html and then I discovered ‘[via notsosoft]’ mainly because I work with Meg and you know we chat and stuff. Not because I was surfing and looking. It looked cool and I thought hey I have server space I have time on my hands and I have an opinion on stuff. So hey why not.
Now I knew I was never going to be as prosaic as Meg. Mainly because I have never had a flair for expression – no artist is hiding in me desperate to get out. I think painting one wall in my otherwise white lounge is creative I tell you.
So I never thought of it as a competition. I did however write for an audience in the start. Blogging after all is vanity publishing whatever anyone tells you – or it would simply be written ina diary. I do have another blog that acts as my diary. The dark secrets I brood about and the things I think I will somehow become better if I write them down. You know making me think about them properly and collect my thoughts.
World in Motion is none of that though it’s about me what I do and links to other stuff which I like. Yes I know to some that is boring and hey a little repetitive but then hey I never asked you to read it. There are plenty of other sites out there with people paid to write excellent content so I never claimed to offer that. There are plenty of other blogs that are better designed with much more insightful commentary on life than I ever will.
Ian for instance writes brilliantly and has a huge array of reference from the UK press.
Having said all that though there is a debate at the moment about whether the internet has become stale that there is little that’s original. That many sites are simply recycled, plagiarised, stolen, revisited, reworked, repackaged versions of other sites we have seen before. Well I think maybe then we should look harder.
I am constantly amazed when I travel abroad and am on trains or driving by how many houses there are and wonder who lives in them. The internet is the same – geocities, AOL hometown, blogspot etc etc have made the web more accessible and so each one of these sites with it many thousands and possibly millions of sites and pages has a potential to suprise. Yes I agree there is a lot of repetition. Yes I agree there is a lot of repetition. Sometimes though that’s a good thing – I may never stumble over a decent site if it hasn’t been linked to by 800 other smaller sites.
Yes a lot of blogs are just about peoples lives – but look at the growth in reality TV. Big Brother, The Villa, Temptation Island and the like are all just peoples lives too the difference being they have been televised.
and anyway beans [via blogadoon].