they read my mind


Equals this:
You feel worn out, physically and mentally. Recently the going has been tough .. and it looks as if there is still a considerable way for you to go before you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If only you could put a protecting wall around yourself and cut yourself off from the rest of the world – be it even for only a little while – how wonderful it would be, but you can’t … so you need to bear with it. Just when everything will seem at its lowest ebb you will find that there is a turnabout … and your problems will seem to find a way of resolving themselves.

Uncanny really – anyone would think they had known about my party at the weekend 🙂
Go try it yourself – you know you want to. [link via one tablet daily]
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world of my own

no not a comment on my saturday and sunday 😉
Don’t you just hate waking up to an annoyingly catchy song which you hate and then can’t get out of your head? 7.30 this morning boyzone/a1/westlife or whoever it is and world of my own [or whatever it’s called but it has world of my own in the chorus somewhere] and now I have been humming it in the shower at the train station – caught myself wittering world of my own a few times in the office gah!
Party update
there is now photographic evidence of the party 🙁 I’ll post them when I get a chance.
stories keep hitting the newsdesk – something about snogging competition winners etc etc
I’ll be putting a few quotes together but in the meantime you can leave your own reminders/stories on the comments – I still reserve the right to edit them though 😉
oh and my mobile is broken so I have no ones numbers anymore 🙁

search round up

by far the most disturbing is how to fuck a virgin without pain. I don’t know any virgins so quite why I am second billing for this is beyond me – oh and the fact I have never written a guide about it either…
nude pics fo my friend changing is positively tame by comparison.
and as for nude abn amro I’m not sure if they mean the bank or a worker – Steve coincidentally does work for them – and judging by the party events would not be adverse to nudity 😉
oh and I seem to have newly been indexed on freeserve

if I hear that name once more

I’ll kill – I really will.
You know how it is, your friend has just dumped his boyfriend in favour of someone else whom he is infatuated with and then can’t stop talking about the 16″ biceps and other revealing features.
Well last night I had had enough, we had only been together for 5 minutes and I had heard the name mentioned 20 times or more. Little comments like “this time next week I’ll be on my way to the airport to see Mr X.”
So I called time and gave a 5 minute limit to talk about him and then banned his name from conversation for the rest of the evening. It didn’t work. Sneakily the name just got shortened to an initial.
Infatuation eh? Isn’t it great
Begs the question though why was I out shopping with him on VD anyway? Rumours start that way you know…


oh and the naked producer at work [Dan] knows me only too well – handing me the Enrique Promo single that has been on his desk for months saying ‘I didn’t throw it out cos I knew you would want it’
he wasn’t wrong. I am predictable.

Halifax’s Gay chatline

Building society Halifax are coming out hard in a bid to satisfy customers, says Metro. Yesterday, 15,000 savers received a mailshot inviting them to call for advice on pumping up their ISAs. Some of them called the number, and were surprised to hear banging disco music at the other end followed by a welcome to a gay one to one chat line!