and I must say I am not suprised – blogger took off like wildfire and their traffic must be enormous and there is only so long you can continue something like that for free. So $30 or so a year for the service seems very little for what you get back in return – I’ve been using greymatter since september anyway so I’m not really affected. It does mean I guess I’ll need to move my archives over to this somehow – maybe putting all my old blogger posts into one posting at the start of GM but any other suggestions would be welcome.
note to self
how's my typing?
I think there is a step by step guide (and poissbly a tool) to move (a) blogger posts and (b) blogger archives. Sounds like you could do with (b). I’ll try and remember the link
you could always switch over to movable type, with which it’s pretty easy to import both blogger and greymatter archives. and it’s really cool, too.
and they’re not paying me to say nice things about them, honest… 🙂