oh and I am beginning to get really pissed off with people at work who fail to respect other peoples property – certain people just come and help themselves to biscuits and food without replacing – small thing I know but starting to bug the hell out of me while others hand back the decorations you lent them in pieces as if it is expected that you rip them down so they are unusable next year… gah!
pop quiz
andrew and I dropped down to the retro bar last night – I needed out of my flat – and joined in with the pop quiz. Poor Dave joined our team and I was traumatised to learn I failed to beat my personal best of 6. What with Dave answering all bar one question I have decided maybe I should rebrand the blog to ‘hope springs eternal’. So no ?11 and no left over christmas pressies for us. Still lavender bath salts was not a prize worth winning really 😉
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