I do feel homesick now I have seen the office :o( Not enough to hop on the next plane back though Off out for drinks and food tonight with the new starters in Dublin so I will let you know if I end up with another hang over.
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I do feel homesick now
I do feel homesick now I have seen the office :o( Not enough to hop on the next plane back though Off out for drinks and food tonight with the new starters in Dublin so I will let you know if I end up with another hang over.
Hi my name is katelyn goodwin i need some help that can actually work! When ever i go with someone i get sick well i have the felling as if im going to throw -up. Even if im out to dinner with my family and i dont know where i am well i do but im with someone that i know. I would really like some help if osmeone could just tell me a name of a medicine or something i can do when im with people so im not homesick and nervous! I need answers