[BoyLOG] says “…jump on the redesign bandwagon…” so that’s what I am gonna do. Follow the crowd.
P45 – Wasting time @
P45 – Wasting time @ work!! ….. I stumbled uopn this today and thought it was quite amusing. Not too far from the truth either.
me is busy today so
me is busy today so perhaps [World on Motion] will have to wait for it’s redesign. me may howeva go bak through me batty posts and do ha bit of spell cheking.
posted by world at 12:05 is how my last posting would have looked had I used
Da Ali G Translata
I am busy today so
I am busy today so perhaps [World in Motion] will have to wait for it’s redesign. I may however go back through my old posts and do a bit of spell checking.
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