Did I mention by the way that the stylesheet for [World in Motion ] was blatantly plagiarised from Meg at notsosoft.com? Nope probably not. Thought I better make this public before I start having hot sweats at night.
Glatt Plagiarism Self-Detection Program (GPSD)
Glatt Plagiarism Self-Detection Program (GPSD) well looks like it is not a natural bent for me then – which is a bit of a relief.
It is official – it
It is official – it is all downhill from 30! I said it would never happen but then I was not 30 – I have been 30 for exactly 105 days now and already I am getting new unheard of headaches and that coupled with falling over in the shower last week – well I reckon I should just make my way to the glue factory 🙁
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