
I’m now eating less and less meat. Today news from the BBC that meat in the UK is unfit for human consumption has made me think of just not eating meat again.
I used to be vegetarian, I have lots of meat alternatives and it seems to be a lot healthier. In fact I’ve not eaten meat since the end of December so maybe I already have made the choice and not realised it fully.


I am wondering if I am the only person in the world that is not watching the England v Argentina. Our offices have joined Cancer Research UK in raising money by letting staff watch in our AV meeting rooms for a donation. My floor is now very sparsely populated with people at the news desk watching and reporting and the odd person not interested at all.

panic room

Went to see Panic Room this evening with Glenn at the Odeon in Streatham. Was really good. I’ve been watching a lot of films recently and I’m not sure if it is escapism or not. Yesterday I was very hungover from a Saturday night of drunken debauchery. I had to be dragged for breakfast at the local greasy spoon and then back to veg out at Spence and Glenn’s.
We watched Personal Services and followed that with Blade. Then after I finally managed to get up enough energy to get off the sofa and make my way to my own home I watched Four Weddiings and a Funeral.

I’ve also been having a fun time getting to know new people over the weekend. Unusual for me to widen my circle of friends so much in one weekend.
Admittedly they were all Spence’s friends I met, well witht he exception of Carole & Paul that is! Bren lives right around the corner from me and was the first person to welcome me to the world that is out in the UK when I signed up in February last year. I met him a couple of weeks ago but Friday was the first time I really chatted to him properly. Nice.

Anyway I am rambling now cos I am tired and ready for bed.

petrol price wars?

(This is a heavily edited version of the original)

For all you drivers!

Want petrol prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action.

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the “don’t buy petrol on a certain day” campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn’t continue to “hurt” ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can’t just stop buying petrol. But we CAN have an impact on petrol prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here’s the idea:
For the rest of this year, DON’T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP. If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers


Now don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a good idea – great in fact but I also see a few flaws and potential problems with this idea.
It may simply put BP and Esso out of business in the UK market – leaving us with less choice and the potential for more price increases.

We could however do the same for DVD’s and CD’s and bring those down in price in line with the rest of the EC. So I propose we also boycott Virgin and HMV, and while we are at it coffee is kinda pricey so let’s boycott Starbucks and Costa. Oh and how about Borders and Waterstones too? The list could of course go on and on.

I do agree though it is a much better plan than the don’t buy petrol days. I mean who that was a good idea?

google bomb update

Update: ALL the googlebombs worked and it wasn’t just google it bombed, also seem to have fallen for it. Those referrals are coming in thick and fast now even though I have never mentioned the woman!
Dave is also top for gay blog UK
Dave is number one for kitchen whisk
Dave is top with Ann Widdecombe naked
Mike [see not all Dave’s after all] is top with his nice bottom
Marcus is top for travis fimmel naked
Jonathan comes out on top for Graham Norton naked

I take exception

To the americans describing my name as needlessly fussy. GRRRRRR
Variation: IAN
This most attractive Scottish form of John was rather late making inroads on our shores ? it was already the seventh most popular boys? name in England in 1965. After the emergence of Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond, Americans gradually began warming to the jaunty charm of the name; now it is finally gaining a foothold on some popularity lists, although not yet sufficiently to feel prohibitively overused. IAIN is an alternate, authentic, but needlessly fussy spelling.

i wondered how long it would take

for reality to set in when my brother moved back to the UK from singapore. I was speaking with Linda [my sister in law] and ahd this conversation by aim…
Linda: have you heard about us moving and me looking for weekend work to make ends meet?
Me: nope
Linda: Haslemere we think, a flat definitely, and Sainsbury’s are looking for part-timers! Life sucks!

So no more 2 car surrey lifestyle then 🙁 On a serious note though did you know it cost ?60 each for the MMR jabs if you want them seperately and not the combined one offered by the NHS?
That just smacks of do as I say but only if you are poor…

the interwebnet

you know I started my blog because I had the domain and was playing around to learn html and then I discovered ‘[via notsosoft]’ mainly because I work with Meg and you know we chat and stuff. Not because I was surfing and looking. It looked cool and I thought hey I have server space I have time on my hands and I have an opinion on stuff. So hey why not.
Now I knew I was never going to be as prosaic as Meg. Mainly because I have never had a flair for expression – no artist is hiding in me desperate to get out. I think painting one wall in my otherwise white lounge is creative I tell you.
So I never thought of it as a competition. I did however write for an audience in the start. Blogging after all is vanity publishing whatever anyone tells you – or it would simply be written ina diary. I do have another blog that acts as my diary. The dark secrets I brood about and the things I think I will somehow become better if I write them down. You know making me think about them properly and collect my thoughts.
World in Motion is none of that though it’s about me what I do and links to other stuff which I like. Yes I know to some that is boring and hey a little repetitive but then hey I never asked you to read it. There are plenty of other sites out there with people paid to write excellent content so I never claimed to offer that. There are plenty of other blogs that are better designed with much more insightful commentary on life than I ever will.
Ian for instance writes brilliantly and has a huge array of reference from the UK press.
Having said all that though there is a debate at the moment about whether the internet has become stale that there is little that’s original. That many sites are simply recycled, plagiarised, stolen, revisited, reworked, repackaged versions of other sites we have seen before. Well I think maybe then we should look harder.
I am constantly amazed when I travel abroad and am on trains or driving by how many houses there are and wonder who lives in them. The internet is the same – geocities, AOL hometown, blogspot etc etc have made the web more accessible and so each one of these sites with it many thousands and possibly millions of sites and pages has a potential to suprise. Yes I agree there is a lot of repetition. Yes I agree there is a lot of repetition. Sometimes though that’s a good thing – I may never stumble over a decent site if it hasn’t been linked to by 800 other smaller sites.
Yes a lot of blogs are just about peoples lives – but look at the growth in reality TV. Big Brother, The Villa, Temptation Island and the like are all just peoples lives too the difference being they have been televised.
and anyway beans [via blogadoon].