Well it looks like another

Well it looks like another web court battle. The Easy Group (of which EasyJet is a part) in the UK are threatening legal action against people who have registered domain names starting with the word “easy”.easyprotest.com has been set up to help all those with the word easy in their domain names from being bullied by EasyGroup.
It’s nice to know that the net doesn’t revolve around porn.

Any one who was at

Any one who was at Saturdays Mardi Gras in London’s Finsbury Park will have noticed a strange phenomenon. Not the fact that it appeared to be dry for most of the day. No it was the amazing proliferation of abercrombie gear on boyz around the park. Most of my group had stayed around the Radio 1 stage and it seemed like every other person had an abercrombie tee-shirt on or the waistband of abercrombie boxers hitched up just visible with their pants hiked down a bit.

The marketing and branding of ANF has hit even before there first stores in the UK. Two american girls stopped me around 10pm outside Manor House Tube to ask where I had gotten mine. Global branding eh? A marketing mans dream!

the dot com revolution has

the dot com revolution has really taken hold in the UK this past year. With new sites touting for business everyday it seems some are just doomed to failure. One site which I am hoping will stay the distance is urbanfetch.co.uk they offer free courier delivery within 2 hours in central London. Great for that gift you can’t get out to buy.

Better still they are offering free video rental for every order for a limited time – with a reply paid envelope to return it. Great special offers like this keep the internet miles ahead of the high street!