Was just checking out Mark’s blog and same he is the Iron Man. So hey it’s a meme and it’s the new year. Turns out I am spidey.
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
| You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. ![]() |
Was just checking out Mark’s blog and same he is the Iron Man. So hey it’s a meme and it’s the new year. Turns out I am spidey.
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
| You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. ![]() |
I mostly want to just go and become a recluse – I couldn’t sleep last night – lots on my mind – and today everything I have touched has fallen apart. I feel an overwhelming gloom settling like a thundercloud and it’s worrying me.
I’m feeling bad too as I broke my New Year resolution on the 5th day – well technically it was after midnight so the 6th day of 2002 and feel resigned to being a smoker for the rest of my life.
Oh and I am very very moody 🙁
I hope everyone had a good night last night – whatever you did and wherever you are. Let’s hope 2002 brings you all what you want.
I have decided to try and quit smoking again this year – so I thought I better make a public declartation. Although I am not going on the wagon too like I did in the summer for my marathon training.
I actually ventured into town last night to see big ben chime in the new year – something I have never done in the 12 or so years I have lived in London. I always avoided it like the plague – thought the crowds would be hellish but they weren’t that bad actually.
We had a german [patrick] and 2 kiwis [michelle and dave] which kind of steeled us into moving from the flat around 11 and going into town. Rick and david had already left for the pub!
So all in all a lovely night with less clearing up than usual for me today 🙂
You know sometimes you feel like the world is dumping on you from a great height. Today I have decided to get some of it off my chest as it is starting to eat away inside me and I’m sure that isn’t good for my karma.
A while a go a work colleague was stuck at very short notice for somewhere to stay over Christmas and New Year so I naturally offered my spare room until they got sorted [no rent or anything as this was a guy kicke out of his home] and the offer was until he found somewhere to stay.
So this was fine until he decided rather than look for somewhere to stay he would like to just rent the spare room from me. He was planning on leaving the country in June anyway so wouldn’t be able to get a lease for such a short period. By this time I was kind of used to him being around so we agreed a nominal rent [after all he had just had a child and needed his cash].
All ticked along with me not charging bills or anything as I would be paying them if I lived alone anyways and I was sure the extra gas and electricity would not amount to much. Now call me a mug but when he bought himself a new ?2k laptop I figured he had a loan or something or his folks had paid – as he was supposed to be broke. We did however revisit the subject of bills [especially as by this stage he had stopped contributing to groceries] and he agreed to pay towards [not half but an amount towards] the general bills in addition to his rent.
Now you may think I earn too much or something but he never contributed to the bills ever or the groceries since April and I never considered checking his rent was paying each month – what with travelling and expense claims and erratic payments into my account I just presumed he was paying. Now he moved out on Sunday and on the Friday I discovered he had not paid rent for basically the last 3 months – so now I am left feeling that you know he bought loads of cool new stuff whilst staying – new laptop, loads of new scuba gear and has now fucked off to work in the carribean leaving me out of pocket and depressed.
I keep thinking of all the things I could do with the money – like pay off credit cards or go on holiday or buy new sofa’s [since I have been without sofa’s since May]. I feel I should write him a mail but then think well fuck it it’s not like he is going to worry about it now he is in the carribean is it? I just feel completely drained and used and abused and wonder if I will ever be as welcoming into my home again.
Happy New Year everyone.
I hope you all had as good a night as I did – a nice intimate gathering with lots of alchohol and stimulants. Fireworks on the roof with champagne at midnight – it really was a lovely evening. It was the least well planned of my New Years but so far the most fun.
Normally I have a loathing for New Year because everyone has so many expectations and plan everything to the last detail setting themselves up to be disappointed. By the time midnight rolls along they are ready to call it a night.
I could have probably dispensed with the food I bought and just opted for bottles of Vittel but there you go live and learn eh?
We ended the party around midday and everyone went home or to bed for a couple of hours – cleaning up was a bit of a mare but other than that a good night was had by all I hope and by most definitely!
This year I think I have had a brilliant Christmas thanks to Nic and Vianney and a superb New Year thanks to Jacs, Ian and Andrew. Jacs for Suggesting it, Ian for coming down from Bingley at such short notice and Andrew for preparing the whole thing during the day.
I managed to finally meet Arwen – Jacs’ other half who was an instant hit – she got on with everyone and it was like we had known her for years! I miss Jacs when she is not around and don’t see enough of her when she is around but we have made plans for an intimate Christmas next year in a ski chalet probably in Chamonix. I’m looking forward to the end of 2001 and it has only just started.
cheers everyone – I hope you had a great night whatever you did or didn’t do.
The snow is cool – my puppy dog Jack thinks it is fab – he has been playing in it for 2 days now and still isn’t bored. I am not bored either as I watch him hurtle along on the ice! Other than that a pretty boring day today. The high light sadly was a trip to IKEA for some new duvets and pillows – stocking up for the new year party. You never know who will want to crash over :o)
Watched the final episode of Young Americans too – Elric asked if it was a gay movie – he could be onto something there – it may not be gay but it is fab!
Tired and in bed but can’t sleep. Went out last night again and I think my body clock has readjusted to party time. It is so used to me staying out until 3 in the morning that it thinks this is now th norm and refuses to let me sleep anytime before this.
Took Elric [the new straight flatmate] to the 2 brewers last night. He is almost as good as a fag hag except the man I was trying to pull was much more interested in him. Still we had a fun night all in all. I had my reservations but these turned out to be completely unfounded.
I have spent the last couple of days tidying up the flat and throwing out my old life – wel the papers and stuff you collect over time anyways. I never realised how living with someone can be so pervasive. I’m feeling much better now that so much is thrown out. Feels fresh and new shame it isn’t tidy too.
Also decided to throw a quick NYE party for friends who will be in London so will b having fireworks on the roof and lots of intimate chats with lots of wine. Sounds ideal to me to start the New Year the way I intend to spend it – catching up with people and being intimate.
Just chatting with scally who is slutting on gaydar [like I neve do :)] and decided I feel very sick [again] so I am gonna call it a night and go to sleep now. Have a party to plan tomorrow!
Well I must say although Christmas wasn’t planned at all this year it turned out very well. Nick and Vianney were the perfect hosts. Woke up and they even had a gift for me this morning Even though my being there was unplanned. They are so sweet.
Actually spent most of the day with them except for going home for a quick shower – there bathroom is very intimidating. All white with lots of mirrors – and I mean lots! Took my dog Jack out for a long walk with Andrew and his 4 beardies. Went back to N&V’s for dinner which was fabulous – sorry Mum but it surpassed a family meal lots. Nice conversation and lovely food.
Drove to pick up Andrew’s new boyf (The sexy Brasilian Fabio) and then came home around 11. Few more glasses of wine later and I am having a great time.
Hope you all had a good Christmas too – speak to you all in the new year [honest].
Take Care
world [mundo]
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