email(‘Do you find it really annoying that every other person you spoke to today has asked you about Will coming out?’)
note to self
how's my typing?
email(‘Do you find it really annoying that every other person you spoke to today has asked you about Will coming out?’)
bloody no one asked me about anything!
or as annoying as comments hiccuping and repeating on ye? 😉
Not as annoying as hearing myself, on discovering the article in question, going “Oooooooooh” in a whoop that could be heard all over the office.
And not nearly as annoying as when, recounting story of said whoop to another gay colleagure, having him say: “yes, we heard…”
Not as annoying as hearing myself, on discovering the article in question, going “Oooooooooh” in a whoop that could be heard all over the office.
And not nearly as annoying as when, recounting story of said whoop to another gay colleagure, having him say: “yes, we heard…”
I didn’t I’d just rather never hear the name again along side the rest of the bloody pop idols
No-one I knew batted an eyelid… it was like, a total no brainer.
Thanx News of the World for being soooo ground breaking.
Shame it’s not Gareth.
that is bad – we hate that 🙂