I was planning on an

I was planning on an early night as I have my parents coming to stay tomorrow [along with my brother, sister-in-law and neice] so looks like I could do with the sleep. As usual though once signed on I managed to while away an hour chatting and playing before I realised it was 23:40 already. So now I am off to catch some zeds.

I have no idea where

I have no idea where today has gone 🙁 I managed to finally complete my appraisal form for work – i’ve been putting it off all week cos it was kind of daunting. Plus I had no idea what to write about as I have been here for 2 years without an appraisal so makes it kind of hard all of a sudden to have one… still i’ll be able to plan my career better. Also had to go over my assistants forms [as I’ll be appraising him] luckily that was much easier. So the sun is out and I’m probably going out for some drinks tonight with friends. Elric is off on holiday for 2 weeks so I get the flat to myself which will be nice. Looking forward to a nice week end – let’s hope it is as hot as last week. More naked sunbathing on the roof is in order if it is hot :o).

gah – mark has put

gah – mark has put up the pics from saturday nights sports and shorts night and I wasn’t dreaming – I really did see men naked wrestling in mud outside the pub. Also the man has been caught on camera and looks kind of cute. So maybe next time I will stay for extra time! There is even a pic with me in it – of course I am still too shy to say which one is me but suffice it to say I am not in any of the mud wrestling pics 😉 Go on over and have a look at the rest of ‘the squad’.

Just catching up on other

Just catching up on other peoples blogs this morning [in between work honest] and realised that I was not the only blogger at Saturday evening’s sports and shorts event. I was wondering where I knew a few of the faces from [and some were from a past life] but others must have been from this life – only I am so messed up from years of drug abuse that my long/short term memory is shot. David and Ian both seem to have been at the stag on saturday night. I did spend some time wondering where I knew at least one face from but was more concerned about wearing a wimbledon football strip at the time as I recall [oh and watching mud wrestling]. So I better look for one of those memory aid tapes they keep advertising on the late night shopping channels – either that or I should socialise more at the UKblogmeets?.

gah the interwebnet? is a

gah the interwebnet? is a pain sometimes. I have an egg credit card and have recently paid for some madonna tickets [a whole ?500 worth] and decided to make a one off payment – unfortunately although the facility exists on egg’s website the function is not working :o( So I decided I may as well apply for their savings account as I have been meaning to start a savings account for a while – you know to help when things like madonna concerts are announced when you are skint! Unfortunately I could not manage that either :o(
So back to cahoot who have not only provided me with a credit card for the last year with an amazing 0% interest rate they have decided that as it is their first birthday [congrats] they are going to extend the offer by a month – so no way is it getting paid off this month then I mean come on give me a card with 0% interest and I am not going to make more than the minimum repayments each month am I? So consequently the cahoot card has sat at it’s limit for the best part of the last year! Better start making some payments so I am not entirely broke for the summer [I need a holiday].