I have just received this

I have just received this strange missive at work and thought you may be able to help.
“Do you have any friends who
– use IM (product does not matter, can be ICQ, AIM – anything)
– live in London
– are aged 17-30 “

If this is you and you don’t mind giving me your name and phone number [no this isn’t a round about way to bolster my little black book] then send me a email(‘mail’).

the rumours are true there

the rumours are true there is to be a ukgayblogmeet? The press release follows and we are not desperate for new attendees [honest]
“Are you gay [or cute enough to try out for the team], bisexual or bicurious [basically male with a pulse]? Are you a blogger [or thinking of starting one]? Have you slept with a blogger? Do you live in London [or anywhere near by]? If so, come and join us upstairs at Compton’s on Wednesday 30th May from 8pm onwards for London’s 1st Gay Bloggers Meet.”

Reading the metro on the

Reading the metro on the train this morning a number of stories worried me so much I had to stop reading anymore for fear of shouting out aloud on a packed train. Allegedly the mullet is back in fashion – something to do with an 80’s revival. GAH! is all I have to say on that note. As if that wasn’t bad enough then I read about companies like IBM using ‘faction’ which they are likening to urban legends. What this translates to is that they basically lie to their employees in an attempt to make the company look better and improve morale. Because this is a company however it is entirely fine. If however employees used the same method by say boosting their grades on a CV it would be classed as gross misconduct I’m sure… makes you wonder.

tom posted about the top

tom posted about the top 20 words searched for at msn.com “National Lottery, Maff, Foot and Mouth, Exchange rates, Eminem, Inland Revenue, SMS, text messaging, EastEnders, West Ham, PlayStation Cheats, Westlife, Alton Towers, Harry Potter, Arsenal FC, South West Trains, UCAS, Eurovision, Buffy, Revision, London Eye, Route planner”. I hate to point it out but sex and naked and pics of girls are kind of high up there in the grand scheme of things – you only need to look at dsr for the proof. In fact I think most of the buffy requests were probably phrased ‘nude pics of buffy‘ or ‘buffy sex pics‘ or even ‘lesbian buffy pics‘.