stupid religious americans

I know that some people are blinded by religion but then to try and promote your hate on the internet. There should be laws against promoting hate and religion and narrow mindedness on the internet. Free Speech should not be at the expense of others. So anyway I give you (via The Peculiar One) Traditional Values – some neo nazi religious foundation no doubt – Homosexual Urban Legends. See and you can tell it’s far right bigotry when they refer to it as homosexual. Pah

seederney mardee grah (Part 1)

Okay so I’ve been a bit slack with the update from Sydney Mardi Gras and my annual pilgimage to the southern hemisphere. What can I say – even Dave managed to get his account up before me this year!
I’ll have to get him back for the Stimpy comments somehow…

I have managed to upload a whole heap of pics though – so peruse them at your leisure. Not so many of things this year as there really are only so many Opera House and Harbour Bridge pics you can take ;o)

So here goes as much as I can remember from what was possibly the most drunken debauched three weeks of my life so far since last time.

Northy and I started the trip with some beers at London’s Heathrow Airport bar and a bit of bluetooth mayhem. We flew our seperate ways (long story) to arrive sydney 07:00 friday morning minutes apart. Met Jo and Northy and do the introductions.
The three of us head back to Jo’s house in Darlinghurst for a shower and a change before brunch on Oxford Street at Cafe Comity.
Wandered around and caught up before going for more beers and then home for a quick disco nap. Jason (Northy) and I ended up at my spiritual home The Colombian for a beer early evening before heading to the shift. we ended up in the club instead of the bar by mistake but this turned out to be very good. we stayed out until 5am and hoped this would counter any jetlag!

azure harbour party

Saturday was shop yourself stupid (name change) and then yet more beers. we ended up at what the sydneysiders have nicknamed the rsl because of it being so cheap! it’s palms. I met a nice boy in the toilet and then it turns out he knew Jo. small world. I was very very drunk and left the party early! Sadly not early enough. Felt awful the following day and that was sunday which meant it was time for… Harbour Party

Excellent as ever. lots of beautiful people. Bumped into half the world both outside and inside the party. There are only 5,000 people but it feels like much more.
Saw lots of people from London too.
Neither Northy nor I made it to any of the after parties as jetlag and the partying hard the night before prevented us being chirpy. We did however decide we should become club promoters and launch River Party on the banks of the Thames by the London Eye. But erm then we drank more and forgot about it.

recovery at the opera bar

So the following day was inevitably going to be a quiet one. Northy and I got up slightly earlier than Jo (who had stayed to party) and meandered through Pitt Street shopping heading down to circular quay for the Opera Bar for some brunch. We met Jo there and after a couple of beers a bottle or two of fizz and wine we all felt much better. In fact then we went for champagne tea at the QVB. So much for recovery then. More like starting all over again.
That evening was also less than subdued with more drinking and much more dancing involved. Various bars spring to mind but to be honest by this point I think we didn’t care where we were.

Tuesday was also a drinking day (can you spot a theme here?)

Wednesday morning bright and way too early the lovely Dave arrived from Wellington bearing gifts of Gold, Frank Rasberri Absolut, Apple Sours and Krispy Kreme Donuts. Yay! We then dragged him down the coast to the lovely Husky.

More to come…

horn bag tastic

yipes – I must go to the cafe more often. okay the food is unhealthy but where else can you go for lunch and be surrounded by horny builders and workmen?
So trying not to obsess about the one guy who was really nice and then two guys come in in trackie bottomes, shaved heads and one had an eye brow piercing. I almost took a stalkerish photo with my phonecam but decided better of it.


Matt reckons people who use the same nickname on each website are mad as it makes it easy to view their different profiles. It always makes me laugh when people have ‘safer sex – always’ on one website and a profile on Not sure how they think that is safer but anyway. I do tend to use the same nickname on each site – but having taken his advice recently set up a new profile with a departure from the tried and tested eightlettersuk/8lettersuk theme. The only major problem I have now of course is remembereing the username when I go to login ;o)
While we are on the subject of usernames another thing I forget is that I have millions of email addresses based on my work. So occaisionally I’ll email someone from an obscure test account forgetting I’m not using my main account. Oh how it makes people laugh when they get mail from SouthLondonSW16. The other email mistake is obviously not going to make it into the public domain. Unless of course you know Matt and then he’ll no doubt have already told you.