Ten Four

Oh it’s been ages since I had a decent one of these…
Thanks to Spence for livening up my Monday morning!
Here are FOUR things you may not have known about me:

A: Four jobs I have had in my life:

1. Club Host at Heaven

2. Bar Manager

3. Licensee in Soho

4. Head of Training

B: Four movies I would watch over & over:

1. The Opposite of Sex

2. Thank you for Smoking

3. Twelve Monkeys

4. The Bourne Identity

C: Four places I’ve lived:

1. Blundellsands

2. Fitzrovia

3. Tilburg

4. Motspur Park

D: Four TV shows I love to watch:

1. Columbo

2. Law & Order (Special Victims Unit)

3. CSI (Any)

4. Oz

E: Four places I’ve been on holiday:

1. Sydney, Australia

2. Christchurch, New Zealand

3. Connecticut, USA

4. Singapore

F: Websites I visit daily: *

1. http://www.aol.co.uk

2. http://www.gmail.com

3. http://www.flickr.com

4. http://my.omniture.com

G: Four of my favorite foods:

1. Cherries

2. Beetroot

3. Bananas

4. Ramen

H: Four places I would rather be now:

1. Sydney

2. Wellington

3. A beach

4. Sydney (did I mention Sydney?)

* I can’t list all the work ones I visit as they are all confidential and/or behind a very good firewall.

seederney mardee grah (Part 1)

Okay so I’ve been a bit slack with the update from Sydney Mardi Gras and my annual pilgimage to the southern hemisphere. What can I say – even Dave managed to get his account up before me this year!
I’ll have to get him back for the Stimpy comments somehow…

I have managed to upload a whole heap of pics though – so peruse them at your leisure. Not so many of things this year as there really are only so many Opera House and Harbour Bridge pics you can take ;o)

So here goes as much as I can remember from what was possibly the most drunken debauched three weeks of my life so far since last time.

Northy and I started the trip with some beers at London’s Heathrow Airport bar and a bit of bluetooth mayhem. We flew our seperate ways (long story) to arrive sydney 07:00 friday morning minutes apart. Met Jo and Northy and do the introductions.
The three of us head back to Jo’s house in Darlinghurst for a shower and a change before brunch on Oxford Street at Cafe Comity.
Wandered around and caught up before going for more beers and then home for a quick disco nap. Jason (Northy) and I ended up at my spiritual home The Colombian for a beer early evening before heading to the shift. we ended up in the club instead of the bar by mistake but this turned out to be very good. we stayed out until 5am and hoped this would counter any jetlag!

azure harbour party

Saturday was shop yourself stupid (name change) and then yet more beers. we ended up at what the sydneysiders have nicknamed the rsl because of it being so cheap! it’s palms. I met a nice boy in the toilet and then it turns out he knew Jo. small world. I was very very drunk and left the party early! Sadly not early enough. Felt awful the following day and that was sunday which meant it was time for… Harbour Party

Excellent as ever. lots of beautiful people. Bumped into half the world both outside and inside the party. There are only 5,000 people but it feels like much more.
Saw lots of people from London too.
Neither Northy nor I made it to any of the after parties as jetlag and the partying hard the night before prevented us being chirpy. We did however decide we should become club promoters and launch River Party on the banks of the Thames by the London Eye. But erm then we drank more and forgot about it.

recovery at the opera bar

So the following day was inevitably going to be a quiet one. Northy and I got up slightly earlier than Jo (who had stayed to party) and meandered through Pitt Street shopping heading down to circular quay for the Opera Bar for some brunch. We met Jo there and after a couple of beers a bottle or two of fizz and wine we all felt much better. In fact then we went for champagne tea at the QVB. So much for recovery then. More like starting all over again.
That evening was also less than subdued with more drinking and much more dancing involved. Various bars spring to mind but to be honest by this point I think we didn’t care where we were.

Tuesday was also a drinking day (can you spot a theme here?)

Wednesday morning bright and way too early the lovely Dave arrived from Wellington bearing gifts of Gold, Frank Rasberri Absolut, Apple Sours and Krispy Kreme Donuts. Yay! We then dragged him down the coast to the lovely Husky.

More to come…

Sydney Mardi Gras 2004

united grrrr
san fran airport grrrr
red carpet lounge reasonable
stupid us customs and immigration even though i was only in transit grrrr
okay so I arrived late and have vowed never to fly united ever again. seriously it’s no wonder they are in chapter 11 bancruptcy protection.
i had of course forgotten to send jo the flight details and so she was waiting folornly at sydney airport for me having taken her morning conference call on her mobile. bless did I ever mention I loved that girl? she’s a star.
We nipped back to Balmain for a quick brunch (although quite what meal it would be for me i’m not really sure) at Jo’s favourite local cafe and i was lusting after the cook/server immediately. welcome to sydney :o)
Whilst Jo rushed to work to catch up on the morning i had made her miss i pottered around Balmain and acclimatised to the sudden onset of summer (although Jo and Michelle kept telling me it had cooled down)
That evening we headed out for food and drinks with Jo’s work mates before heading into town and started where I left off last year at Crown and Oxford for drinks at the Colombian. I really do think it’s my favourite bar, it’s friendly and full of cute guys.
Jo had said she bet me $5 that I would pull within the first 24 hours sadly despite the horny guys I knew better as I had come less than single this year.
So I crashed and burned (jetlag) fairly soon afterwards and we headed back to Balmain for some much needed sleep in a lovely flat bed.
Saturday we hit bondi after a garage sale to get rid of a few extra sofa’s since the girls were moving to Darlinghurst the following weekend (yes to two blocks down from taylor square on the day of mardi gras).
So after some sun and fun in bondi we headed back for another meal out (i’m convinced no one eats in or cooks for themselves in oz) and then more drinks.
On the way back we stopped for pizza in paddington and realised we had completely forgotten about shop! damn so I had missed herb and the boys in drag for the second year in a row.
Sunday was the build up to harbour party (azure) and then after arriving at the party a bit of a blur of retro music including Celine Dion – I drove all night, Barry Manilow – Love is in the air and Randy Crawford – One day I’ll fly away. All very very surreal and yet we danced to all of them. Also bumped into Tony and the boys from last years harbour party but missed Bettina and Margi. All in all a very fun afternoon/evening marred only by the guys asking to borrow a crack pipe at the end of the evening – like do we look like we smoke crack? Next year we have decided just to hire a yaught and moor off the party like the other beautiful sydneysiders who had failed to get tickets had done.
So without any of the after parties or other fun of last year (fnar) we headed back to Balmain for some hard earned rest.
Monday I managed to wander around Balmain and do some mundane grocery shopping and the like, although it seems much more glam to be doing it in Balmain than Balham. Also a quick trip into town to ensure I remmebered the bus route for when the kiwi boys arrived.
Monday night was spent in front of the TV with popcorn and the Oscars. Noozleland sweeped the board and we were dreading the kiwi’s arrival by this point. When the nice australian man Adam Elliot won his and thanked his beautiful boyfriend Dan we all laughed heartily. It’s amazing the storm in some of the papers caused by that the following day. As Mr Elliot pointed out everyone else was thanking their wives and partners why should he be any different?
Tuesday was another trip into Sydney for relaxed shopping and coffees whilst trying to catch up with Gary from Christchurch who was over for a conference for the start of the week. Failing to catch up with him I returned to Balmain. A few cosmo’s later and Michelle and I were more than a little merry. By the time Jo got home we were watching ‘The Bill’ and giggling so we decided food would be a good idea and went for a meal in Balmain. Another bottle of wine later we were all more than merry and stopped for ice cream at Gelatisimo where the two boys behind the counter made a play for one (or all) of us we weren’t quite sure. Neither of them was over 18 though so none of us were that fussed.
Wednesday was the arrival of Dave from Wellington. So after a wander around town and a coffee or two we checked into the lovely Macquarie Hotel. Tanya the lovely lady from accommodation however had some bad news in that the wonders of internet bookings and real systems did not match up and we may not have a room for the entire period. Not good when I was trying to stay out of the girls way pending their move to Bourke Street. Still not to worry. We figured we could wing it with friends if we got really stuck.
Staying centrally meant we had plenty of time to wander up and down Oxford St and Pitt St without the hassle of a bus ride or train journey in.
So after meeting up with Dave we ended up at circular quay for a brief sunbathe and to soak up some of the view. You still can’t beat the view of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. It’s one of the best sights and most recognisable too.
Thursday was Pam Ann and the Imperial Having seen her on a tiny stage in the corner of the 2 Brewers it was quite a shock. She had an entire stage to herself and a group of dancing boys :o) She was also sponsored up to the preverbial hilt. We followed the show with a trip to The Imperial where the boys watched dodgy caberet in the back bar and I caught up with Bettina and Margy in the front bar.
Friday was… wagamama?
The day of Mardi Gras arrived and Gary and I wandered into town despite the rain. We headed over to Jo’s new pad to see the place. They were moving in so we helped a bit and dried off. Then wandered for beers to The Colombian. We made some new friends and got merry. A few beers later and we got frisky (but not as bad as last year. We went back to the hotel to get showered and changed before heading back up the road. Our new mates were shocked to see us back so soon – they expected us to be shagging or something 😉
Then we met the others at Daves cousins new pad conveniently located above Starbucks on Oxford St a few paces from our favourite bar! The rain was torrential but we ventured with others to the roof terrace to watch the parade every now and then instead of out the window. Talk about rain on the parade!
Back to the hotel for another change and then hailing a cab (you would think that was easy but oh no…) before the maddness that is Sydney Lesbian & Gay Mardi Gras.
More to come.

weekend sans hyperlinks

It started early Friday evening with a trip down the dogs. Yes I ended up in South Wimbledon at the Greyhound Track for a friends 30th celebrations. Lots of fun it was too. Sarah and I spent a lot of time checking out the guys to see if there was any scally straight boy totty to be had. She threatened to fight me for one of them. I didn’t need to though as we had both been beaten to him by some blonde girl with very little visible sign of taste.
So then a few more beers later and ?15 down on the evening we headed back to Jacs and Helen’s to carry on the party.
By this time a bunch of drunken thirtysomethings decided to relive the eighties in music. So everything from Ultravox and Depeche Mode through to The Wonder Stuff and Japan was played very loud until the early hours.

Saturday I headed into Tooting to meet Matt as we were going house hunting. After a bit of research on the net we ventured into an estate agents and then met Mike before heading off to look at some potential areas. It started to rain around 4pm so we took cover in the Trafalgar. Not a good move to start drinking that early. Still it set us up for the night ahead. We headed into Clapham and had another drink before meeting the rest of the gang at the Admiral Duncan. The lovely Lee then joined us as we strolled to the Duke of Wellington for yet more alcohol and we were joined by some of the outintheuk crew including the ever chirpy Scally. (I’m so not wearing A&F there anymore).

To round off the evening we went to London Bridge and ended up in a car park the boys assured me was a club. It turned out to be a very nice club too. XXL to be exact. Luckily I was not the only one to have never been before so I kept close to the group 😉 Way too many sweets later (I love flying saucers and fruit salads)

A few hours later (well actually more) and Matt, Mike and I arrived back in Tooting to catch a few zeds.

Mike took his life in his hands waking Matt and I before midday. He did however offer cups of tea by way of apology. Neither Matt nor I are what you might call morning people! After catching up with Andy Roo we ventured down to the flat below to see the carnage that happens when you gut your flat completely. We’d worked up an appetite by this time and we headed back to the Trafalgar for Sunday Lunch – quite possibly the largest portions outside the US! The girls from Friday night had joined us and we had a laugh and a few beers before Matt and I decided we really should resume house hunting. We bade farewell to Mike and Andy Roo before wandering aimlessly around South London. Well not so aimlessly we passed every estate agent window in our travels and tooks some details of flats we want to see. Finally a coffee and catch up with the lovely PR Paulli before heading home for an early night.

How did I manage to cram so much in this weekend? It’s becoming a bit of a habit since Jack has been staying with Nigel. I should really be saving more since I am buying somewhere new.

Sunny Sydney

Okay so here it is the review of my last 3 weeks – so a bit of a long read…
I arrived after a flight fraught with anticipation. Time for a quick shower and headed out to The Imperial in Newtown to try and catch up with Herb and the other four Wellingtonians who had come to Sydney in Drag!

Harbour Party

Again the most excellent event I’ve been to (more details here). Lots of cool outfits. We walked down from Elizabeth Street through the botanical gardens which was stunning in itself. I never really saw much of them last time I was in Sydney.
We arrived and wandered down to the party to be greeted immediately by Bettina & Margi. Sue too and a number of other friendly faces from 2 years ago. Jo and I made lots of best new mates. Including Tony and his flatmate Duncan.
The crowds seemed much larger than in the past (and it transpires they sold more tickets due to popular demand).
We partied hard with the cool DJ’s keeping the crowd happy until midnight when we moved onto the after party at The Midnight Shift on Oxford St with Tony and his crew
The following morning (nearer afternoon actually) we headed back to Jo’s house in Balmain. We planned to hit the beach but unfortunately jetlag and lack of sleep got the better of me so I ended up crashing on the floor. Jo and Tony watching videos.
That evening we watched a bizarre norwegian movie called ‘Get Ready To Be Boyzvoiced‘. I’m not sure if it weas because I was still a little elevated from the previous nights escapades or not but it was a fantastic parody.

Blue Mountains

Jo and I had receovered enough from the excesses of Sunday night to plan a trip on Tuesday to Wentworth Falls and the Blue Mountains. It was stunningly beautiful (and photolog will be updated soon) We then ventured onto Echo Point to see the three sisters. As with most attractions of this type they look stunning but don’t turn around or the tourism will scare you. Echo point is being redeveloped currently and it’s a bit scary.
Finally after an amble through the rainforest and a trip down the scenic railway at Katoomba we took off to Leura for dinner. I could quite settle down theree I think. Open a little shop selling cheese or something. It’s nice and quaint.

The Kiwi Boyz

Todd and Dave arrived on Thursday morning, closely followed by Gary. Later we were joined by Warner and then the token Aussie from Melbourne, Paulli.
Since Toddster and Dave arrived first we collected out tickets to the main event and then wandered to Kings Cross to check them in to their respective hotels. Dave staying virtually opposite where Scally was last time in Potts Point.
A disco nap later and we were off to start the partying. We hit Darling Harbour and Wagamama‘s for a bite to eat (yes they are everywhere) before meeting Gary, Cheryl and Scott at the Establishment in the CBD. Free Champagne – now you can’t go too wrong with that!
Moving onto Oxford Street and The Colombian to meet up with Toddster, Warner and Tony. Good fun was had by all.
Another trip to the Shift for more fun and frollicks and a great lay (oops I meant lei obviously – it is mardi gras after all) I have no Idea how I ended up with a pink lei but I’m sure Gary or Dave will enlighten me one of these days 😉
Way too much alcohol later and it was heading back towards Potts Point.

We dragged ourselves to town though and discovered Gowings. Lot’s of cashola later and I was the proud new owner of a pair o trainers, boxers and assorted gadgets.
We headed to Pitt Street for some nibbles and I managed to bump into some of my best new mates from Harbour Party (shouts to Duncan and his London mates). This is weird though as I never bump into people in London. Funny how that works.
Bridge Climb
A quick trip home to change and fabuolous views.

After that we were all a little desperate for beer and luckily for us Cheryl and Scott where in a pub up the road so we wandered to meet them. They closed at 11 (just like home doh!) so we wandered through the boy racers around the rocks up to Oxford Street and …. The Colombian (I see a pattern emerging here).

Mardi Gras¹

Okay well where do you start? Well for a change we started at Town Hall to meet up with Paulli and Dave. Jo and I had been a bit leisurely that morning before realising we had a lunch date with the boyz.
We soon however headed…. yes you guessed it to Oxford Street and…. yes we did end up at The Colombian (by far my favourite bar of the trip). On the way we took in Hyde Park and the lower part of Oxford Street and it all seemed so quiet – a bit too quiet like the calm before the storm.
Cafe Comity was a tad busy but Paulli managed to secure us a table and after munching we moved onto the Colombian for a few rounds They had moved from glass to plastics in anticipation of the crowds so we ditched the cosmo idea and drank beers and vodkas. It was a very hot day and after 4 drinks we were all a little merry. A few temporary tatoos later and we staggered home to change for the evenings events, we left Paulli entertaining the locals (which he did well by all accounts!).. Todd and Warner had arrived and left in the time it took us to have 4 drinks – lightweights!
Jo and I made the mistake of a little retail therapy on the way home. Beer and shopping! not a good combination. 6 feather boa’s later and lots of sparkle we were showering, glittering and eyelashing before heading to various parties. Jo headed to meet Joe B in Bondi where I wnet to meet the boyz at Cheryl and Scott’s in Rose Bay – lovely barbie on their patio overlooking the bay and Sydney’s Northern CBD. Much vodka and redbull later we headed to see the parade.

Weird to be watching the parade and not partaking this time around. I knew plenty of people in it though. Tony, Duncan and Todd to name a few.
I headed back to Daves so he could change into something appropriate. Whilst their we were joined by Gary who had been visiting some of Sydney’s ‘beautiful people’ on his way – purely by accident you understand.
Gary was already very merry by the time he arrived so I felt obliged to keep him company whilst Dave pottered and showered and uhmmed and ahead over outfit decisions.
One hectic cab ride later and we were outside Fox Studios. We wanted to be inside though and finding our way in proved traumatic. Eventually though we arrived at the party.
Less best new friends than the previous weekend but plenty of real friends to make up for it. The party had sold out earlier that day so there were literally thousands of people there 15,000+ It seemed like everyone I knew was there. Gary and I became playmates for the evening which was excellent until around 5am when I lost him in the crowd 🙁
I spent a while wandering before seeing dodgy UK popstars rejects on stage and deciding it must be time to get the hell out of there. A timely SMS from young Mr Pannett and I was heading off to Potts Point.

Oh and one final point (as Mr Springer might say) I saw the following statement on the Mardi Gras site and thought about rewriting my references to Mardi Gras then decided what the heck! Everyone knows it’s a Lesbian & Gay event.

¹ For many of us, being visible in a world which sometimes acts as if we don?t exist, is what this event is all about. So please remember when writing your stories, that we?re not the Sydney Mardi Gras, but the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras. And this year we have something special we?re celebrating: ?25 years of gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and queer culture?. We?d like you to celebrate it too ? please consider using the full title and tag-line.


Whoever named them recovery parties needs their head examined.
Spent most of the day in bed by all accounts watching crap US tv. I’ve never seen Jerry Springer before – and I’m hoping never to again 😉
Jason the chef boy is quite nice though – and much better than dodgy old Jamie Oliver.
I nipped home to change before meeting the boyz at Wagamama’s (yes we are a predictable bunch). In fact we are so predictable I think you can write the next part yourselves. Insert the following words in te correct order. (Oxford headed We Street to drinks for). A change of plan as the Colombian was not letting more people in until later so we ended upstairs at Stonewall.
By all accounts I was a bit of a muppet again!. Toddster reckons I have no career in lap dancing!

True Recovery

A few text messages in the morning and I was heading to Circular Quay to meet for brunch. As it turns out it ended up just being Gary and I . It was a very very relaxed day strolling in the water along the beach. Eating and drinking as necessary. If the restaurant at Cabbage Tree Bay had given us the bottle of wine we probably would have stayed all night. As it was they refused and we headed on back to Circular Quay instead.
Our first mistake was to have beers. Our second was to have more. We had a bar tab and were trying to get the gang together for more.
A few beers later and the Colombian beckoned (see I told you we liked it). Crown and Oxford never looked so familiar.
A few PDA’s later and we had attacted the attention of some new best friends. Some of the other boys from noozleland arrived and the plot thickened. This is a family service so we’ll skip straight to the happy but sore head the following morning. We won’t mention Colin or the other forms of PDA that were happening. One of the highlights of my trip I must say 🙂 I enjoyed that!

Rest & Recuperation

Okay well the recycling although necessary was totally uncalled for at 6.30am in the morning.
I got up early and wandered for breakfast at Fundamental in Balmain followed by a stroll down to the Ferry Terminal. I spent the rest of the day being a tourist at Circular Quay taking pictures of Sydney Opera House. View the photo’s here, catching ferries and buses with strolls on beaches and surf watching.
Jo had been working again so I caught up with her afterwards for vietnamese food in Balmain. Very relaxed and chilled with yet more beer.
We wandered back for a sorely needed early night.

A relaxing few days following the Kiwi exodus to Wellington and Melbourne.
Got up reasonably refreshed after the early night and spent the day mooching around until hitting Cargo Bar in Darling Harbour for beers with Jo’s mates from work. Thai food and yet more Tofu. What is it about Tofu in Australia? It tastes like polestyrene and has the texture of cooked spooge. Who on earth thought it would be a good meat alternative?
The following evening was drinks and a few bands with Petra and her beau Dave – also a few other assorted friends of Petra’s. The Cat & Fiddle was the venue and one of the bands was The Grand Silent System from Melbourne . They were so good in fact I bought a CD afterwards. I left Petra with supplies brought over from the UK, who would have though Heinz Tomato soup would be so in demand?
Friday Jo skived work again and spent another lazy day. We had planned on a quick trip to Melbourne to see Paulli in his naturall habitat but with the F1 being held there flights were a tad sparse and very expensive. So we did as little as possible (well actually I lie as we took in the excellent M.I.L.K. exhibition and a quick tour around the Opera House by none other than Joe B’s brother Richard. Can we not go anywhere without bumping into people we know? If you can’t make it onto the real tour why not take a virtual one?
So I say lazy day but it was fun filled and then later meeting for drinks at the local and heading to (round of applause please) The Colombian. We were joined this evening for debauchery by Joe B and after a bit of table dancing we headed to Shift for a very quick boogy.

Party Time

Michelle, Kylie & Mark, Ric and I had breakfast with Jo for her birthday. Michelle had organised it as she was flying to Munich and missing the party 🙁
Lovely company and excellent views over the water. Balmain it has to be said is very clapham but very nice.
By midday Jo and I were moving furniture and mowing lawns before hitting every store in Balmain buying decorations and other party essentials like sparklers, fairy lights, party poppers and mirror balls.
The theme for the evenings entertainment was formal but not quite normal. (I might steal this for my next bash). Since Michelle was heading out the three of us hit the champagne to get us in the mood whilst preparing vats of cosmopolitan and jugs of fruit punch.
We had a quick breather on the veranda before the house was suddenly a sea of people wearing dinner jackets and shorts. Way too much alcohol later I crashed and burned. The excesses of the previous weeks catching up with me. Jo’s 30th was a blast though – the police might beg to differ after they were called to deal with the noise 😉
The birthday girl did well though – Tiffany darling!

The following day was a hungover blur for Jo and I but we managed to make it to Glamarama so I could work on my tan (I know it was a bit last minute and all but I thought I ought to try and get some sun before leaving Sydney).
I had arranged to meet Bettina and Margy for dinner and we started with drinks too – always a bad move. We caught up lots which was lovely. Our choices of restaurant were either too full or closed so we ended up at The Clock on Crown St. By coincidence this was the restaurant we went to 2 years ago the night before I left. Talk about deja vu.
After dinner I ambled along Crown to where it meets Oxford St. Which is of course the location of the Columbian. I felt I ought to go in for a last drink in what was the most popular bar of my trip. I didn’t stay long though as I wanted to catch up with Jo on her actual birthday. When I arrived back at Jo’s she was mid conversation with Paul her brother so we had a quick catch up too. I had a weird moment when his daughter Amelia giggled in the background and all I could think was it being 11.30pm she should be in bed. Of course it was only 12:30 in the afternoon back at home so that was fine –
Jo had apparently said the same thing.


No sun so no beach. I resigned myself to going home without a tan. I seem to have spent most of my time in the colombian and no time on a beach this time around. I had plans to meet up with Gary for beers at the airport as his flight to Christchurch was leaving around the same time as mine to London. We both looked like we had been travelling for hours (obviously too much partying for both of us). What with spilt beer and dodgy gate number/seat number dramas I was feeling like a muppet.

So that was that – a not so short review of my last 3 weeks or so in sunny Sydney. I’ve had a great time and am looking forward to next year already :o)
Hopefully I’ll be a sydneysider by then 😉

Noozleland: Donna and the bus…

I met a friend from work on Friday. She works in our Dublin office and I haven’t seen her for over 18 months. She was in our London office as she has taken a new job and was coming to meet some people here before going back.
So we are chatting and catching up when she throws in the old so where you in Wellington in December on a bus going towards town?
She was on the same bus but wasn’t sure it was me as we hadn’t seen each other in ages and didn’t expect to see me there.
Weird how small the worl is!