David Beckham’s Latest H&M Ads: Less Skin, More Porn ‘Stache | Adweek

When you bring back David Beckham in all his Adonis-like glory—that would be his tighty-whities—I must give credit where it’s due. You previously launched his underwear line with similar black-and-white ads of his chiseled-from-granite physique. Why mess with perfection? You even bought him a Super Bowl spot. Victory dance! This time around, for his expanded collection of bodywear and comfy clothes, he’s slightly more covered up. He’s sporting a porn ‘stache and, in my opinion, some unnecessary fabric. But there’s still a money shot. So thanks, H&M, for this early holiday gift.

via David Beckham’s Latest H&M Ads: Less Skin, More Porn ‘Stache | Adweek.

Soccer tricks in your undies – Bonds Advert

This curly haired lad is hardly your typical underwear model, yet he’s the star of the latest Australian ad campaign from Bonds- the short. But he’s not one of those chiselled beefcakes we’re used to in undies adverts, in fact he’s a gawky teen but he does have incredible footie skills.

Watch him strip down to his underwear while balancing a soccer ball, even pausing to use his clothes as a skipping rope! More of the latest bonds undies adverts at bonds.com.au


How cheap can some people be? The other weekend I did a bit of a clothes clear out – mainly because I bought so much last time I went to the states with work and had no drawer space left.
So I took a bag to the Cancer Research charity shop and waited patiently for the assistant to be free to see where to leave donations. It was taking some time though. It transpired a lady was trying to return a pair of shoes. Now the lady behind the counter was keeping her calm but I was about to shout. The woman in question had bought some boots and was trying to return them for a full refund. Fine you might say except she had had them an entire year already.
I was gobsmacked. Really. I don’t know how she had the cheek. I wouldn’t do that in a regular shop let alone a charity shop.
There was nothing wrong with the boots either. She just wanted to return them and get her money back.
Some people.

the rise and rise of chav culture

Worse than the whole Gay Int? thing on ebay is the rise of scally and chav gear. All I was looking for this time was an adidas top. So it looks like now if you have any second hand clothes you want rid of on ebay you just add the words chav or scally and maybe for good measure add gay int? to the end!