I was not going to blog the fact I was stung by a wasp on Saturday. Well actually I was not going to blog where I was stung. I do however change my mind frequently. So erm I was stung by a wasp. It was very very painful. I am never having sex again. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions as to where the wasp struck. Suffice it to say I would not have gone to casualty under any circumstances and it reminded me of the whole broken cock stories from last year.
note to self
how's my typing?
You wasn’t going to blog it but that didn’t stop you showing it to half of Sports and Shorts on Satarday night *grin*
yeeeow! that be nasty! *tries to stop self from chuckling*
I knew you couldn’t resist blogging your wasp sting!
Well there goes another resolution up in smoke 😉
I wasn’t as graphic as I could have been though!