blogger has finally given in to paid sponsorship – and why not indeed NextDraft from what I read today is well worth a mention anyways whether they are paying or not.
on the subject of paying I was looking at an article on supermarkets here int he US and 10 things they don’t want you to know and I am so glad I do not need to purchase groceries whilst I am over here. What with rodents, overcharging and reforming out of date products…. eep.
not exactly a weekend in
not exactly a weekend in hyperlinks but how about a weekend in dc? I had a fabtastic weekend – didn’t make it to planet of the apes but had a great time anyways. Jonathan dropped me off at East Falls Church Metro and then the party started as soon as I arrived in Dupont and staggered hot and sticky into the brenton for another weekend.
The party quite literally started as soon as I arrived – 2 of the long term guests Jimmy and Patrick were celebrating Jimmy’s 20th birthday with lots of champagne and goodies. Kevin who I met last weekend has also been there over a month and had mentioned I was coming back this weekend so they extended an invite – which was both unexpected and welcome. They have some cool friends and I now have more phone numbers than I can shake a stick at for the next time [if there ever is a next time with budget slahing left right and centre] I am over this way.
So friday was basically a stay in and get wrecked night. Saturday naturally got up late wandered around a bit in the muggy heat and then gave up and headed back for a disco nap. had cocktails as usual at the brenton and then headed out for a bite to eat where I fell in lust with the waiter and Kevin fell in lust with the table of muscle mary’s to our left. We then headed to the fireplace which is a new bar for me 😉 and the barman insisted on giving us free drinks – nasty cactus juice – and so I was in no fit state to make it to velvet nation either 🙁
I had a giggle fit and sat down in the middle of Dupont Circle and then started wandering back again only to bump into Jimmy and Patrick. When we got back the Brenton was in full swing with lots of party goers just getting in – managed to make it to bed but slept with my contacts in as I had trouble getting them out.
Sunday slept very late but then staggered down for coffee in the lounge feeling very sorry for myself. Had brunch at Hamburger Mary’s where they were having beach party bingo with Kevin and Larry and then headed back to the brenton after a few too many mimosas and had a lie down and a shower and then planned on going to planet of the apes with Jimmy, Patrick, Kevin and Larry only none of us made it so then went for a bite to eat with Larry at Annies and then back for a little while before heading back to Dupont Circle and the Metro out to Stepford oops sorry I mean Reston.
So all in all a fabtastic time and if you are ever in DC then the brenton is definitely the place to stay, make friends etc etc. There is allegedly some bed hopping too but me being a shy boy I stayed in my own.
Planet of the Apes opens
Planet of the Apes opens this evening but I’ll be waiting until monday to see it as I’ll be partying in DC until then and besides you need to go the movies with people. I think it’s kind of amusing though that marky mark – oops I mean Mark Wahlberg – looks more like an ape without a mask than some of the actors with masks do.
Jonathan is gonna stay in Reston for the weekend – I think he was traumatised by his stay at The Brenton and then visits to JR‘s and Windows. Still he can have fun riding rollercoasters at 6 flags whilst I have fun riding…. erm you know what I mean.
well tonight was wild –
well tonight was wild – I went for happy ‘hour’ after work with a whole load of the international crew here to a bar called ‘bungalow bills’ and well to start with the guy took my international drivers licence and decided that although hertz were fine with it that it wasn’t valid ID – but then after umming and ahhing for ten minutes decided that as I was 31 he may serve me anyways. Then we shot pool, drank beer, checked out chicks, played darts the whole straight thing really and it was kind of fun.
came back to the hotel and the lads went to clydes for more beers – I was abstaining as I was driving and plus I wasn’t really in the mood – I’ll save it for the weekend. Anyways I thought the guy in the next room must have the TV on a little loud until I noticed the commotion outside and realised the hotel was being evacuated. Great so I wandered over to Clydes and then by the time I got back they were letting us back upstairs. So all in all a erm different kind of night for me. Got to pack now for the move to DC at the weekend and then off to bed I think. I am so dreading going back to GMT now I have completely gotten used to EST. It is gonna be a killer on the way back too, thank god for melatonin :o)
okay so I have been
okay so I have been a bit slack on the old blogging front – so sue me – I am in the land of the free after all :o)
Okay well I can’t remember if I told you how the nice man at Hertz had upgraded us to a Volvo S60 with all leather interior and GPS neverlost system but I’m gonna tell you again cos it’s the mutts nutsTM it really is.
Off out to Bungalow Bills tonight with the crew that are training us out here and a few assorted other good people. I decided in light of the fact it is probably going to get very messy I should designate myself as driver so that I can continue to function tomorrow as I have a fairly heavy weekend planned. what with another full on 2 nights in Washingtons DC and all.
Thanks to Mark for these
Thanks to Mark for these – cheered up my wednesday 🙂
How many gay men does it take to change a light bulb?
allegedly, 9
1 to change the bulb
2 to argue which spangley crop-top goes best with the too-small jeans
5 to do the dance routine to Steps
And another to hand out the Voddie Red Bulls
1 to call out a nice man to do it and 2 to eye up the electrician
They just get a few mates round and call it a dark room.
Light bulbs are just SO Twentieth Century!
interesting site we have discovered
interesting site we have discovered in training which has some really useful links to things happening in the area – but also some really disturbing links like the one to sex offenders in your area with pics.
okay well update on the
okay well update on the weekend I guess. We started with cocktails in the hotel [free for happy hour] and then moved on to food at Mercury Grill and drinks at JR’s all of which got very very messy. The following morning when we got all the happy campers back together we wandered around DC for a couplke of hours before giving into the heat and heading back to the Brenton for a disco nap. We met a guy at cocktails and ended up going for dinner with him and then drinks to a bar called windows I think and we never made it to the foam party at velvetnation [I think much to the str8 boys relief].
The following morning Jonathan remebered his camera and here is a weekend in pictures? With a pic of the coolest number plate we saw that weekend.
Went for the greasiest burger in Johnny Rockets as well in Georgetown a quick trip to A&F and then back to the hotel.
another day in the office
another day in the office but today I met the NOVA gay group in CC4 for lunch which was fun. and am off into DC tonight to stay at the Brenton in the Dupont Circle area. The off to badlands tonight and then velvet nation tomorrow as the guys at lunch mentioned something about a foam party 🙂 well actually that it is busier than badlands! All this after a night at Clydes and then Champps in Reston which is heterohell – I mean really. Still met a couple of guys that actually live in the area today so maybe it isn’t as white, middle class, religious etc etc as I thought!
oh and another one of
oh and another one of those mastercardesque sites – made me chortle – oh and another
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