Brewers Deux

Spent yesterday with David with various shopping chores including the hideous B&Q [again] and almost IKEA [again] and MAKRO [again] then decided we should really go out – I’d stayed in all weekend up to this point. So after a quick shot of vodka to steel our nerves we ventured to Clapham High Street for some chicken. So Nando’s first and a bottle of their cheapest Tinto. Turned out to be rather nice and washed the chuck down well. Then after consuming half a bottle each we moved onto the sewers. Since we had a taste for it we had a bottle there too – how camp is that eh? pretentious wine bar yes, two brewers no.
Hideously drunk later left earlyish and staggered homeward.
That’s my weekend in a nutshell.
Oh and did I mention I’ll be having someone use a speculum to keep my eyes open whilst they slice open my cornea and laser it in a fortnight? eep!