Andy and I are in Paris at the moment waiting for our flight to Johannesburg. We decided to avoid Christmas in London and not go home to parents.
Can’t wait to get some winter sun :o)
Spam and grammar rarely mix
No doubt this also has a virus but hey I use a mac and besides I was too busy laughing to download anything.
Hello! (address removed) for a fast exchange of messages suggests you establish Yahoo.Com Agent. Download you can directly in this letter I have attached last version of the program program to the letter. I wish to communicate to you therefore as I consider that you good kind person Yahoo-Agent – the free-of-charge service possessing a number of advantages before usual means of electronic dialogue. Having established Yahoo-Agent and having authorized, you can:
* to find new friends * to exchange instant messages
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To load program Yahoo-Agent and to receive the information necessary for installation, you can directly in this letter. What to contact Natali, establish program, attached in the letter. Thanks,
Administration Yahoo.Com
Christmas Gifts
Andy was wondering what to get me. Well okay he has got me lots already I suspect but who doesn’t need a scroll bar scarf?
I’ve seen this before
But I can’t remember where. It’s the whole pretend to be share trading on websites thing all over again.
Christmas in Soho
Did I mention I have a new phone? It’s a Sony Ericsson w800i – in a massive move away from both Nokia (last phone wass a bit poo and no new decent on) and Orange (really poor service if you are already a customer).
So hello O2 and hello SonyEriccson oh and hello 2 megapixel camera too 🙂
cumming all over
yes you did read that correctly. I wasn’t being rude though. Cumming All Over is one of a range of toiletries from Alan Cumming.
Hey if you have a comedy surname you may as well use it!
Thanks to Canary Warbler for making me spit coffee on my keyboard for pointing that one out!
big bang
Andy and I were awoken at around six this morning by what we thought was an earthquake. True to form I fell straight back asleep. It turns out though that it was an explosion north of Londona at Buncefield some 50 miles away.
By now you have probably seen the news and know it’s a huge oil depot that has exploded. Lucky for everyone it was at 6am on a Sunday.
More on the BBC
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