I was amazed when working for a Time Warner company came up trumps for me on Tuesday. We has a staff competition and at stake were 2 pairs of tickets for the Madonna show at Koko in Camden.
Imagine my suprise then when Corp Comms called me to tell me I had won the tickets. I was a little overwhelmed and it left me with a dilemma. Andy was working away as usual during the week (he would naturally have been my number one choice) so I had to decide who could go at short notice. Matt ended up being the lucky recipient as we had only been discussing at the weekend how he had never been to see her maj in concert. I needed to fix that immediately.
So we legged it to Camden to collect the tickets from the box office. Casually wandering past the crowds of people who had been queueing overnight to get tickets. To be fair we hadn’t realised they had been there all night.
So Then it was a little like waiting for a flight except the lounge was fancier and it had a huge mirror ball in the ceiling. Waiting from 7:30 until 10 when madge was due on stage. I had bets that she would not turn up on time. She never has at any concert I have been to before.
She did arrive on time though and did a quick set for about 30 minutes or so. It was brilliant and I really enjoyed it but I can’t honestly say I’d have been happy if I’d waited overnight to get in.
Neil Tennant and the other celebrities in the VIP lounge seemed to enjoy themselves too.
So all in all a fabulous Tuesday evening and as soon as I can get bluetooth working again I’ll upload some pics.