So we had a lovely white christmas here at my parents. So we’ve been outside playing in the snow. Hope the bookies aren’t too upset about losing money on it!
Mini GPS & Profile Suite
This software lets your Nokia 7610 phone magically know that you have arrived at the office and turn your phone’s profile to a quiet, office friendly tune…
gaydar: the talent contest
So just when you thought you knew what gaydar was all about.
They introduce Sex Factor and all of a sudden it becomes a popularity contest – in an amihotornot kind of way!
Still one thing you can’t help but give them credit for is their enthusiasm and adding in new features all the time. I still worry that GPS (gaydar positioning system) will get me into trouble one of these days.
It certainly makes me laugh though when you see people with two profiles and different ages!
So eBay take out a full pae advert in Metro today saying they are having a Christmas Treasure Hunt. The code word for today is ‘REINDEER’ and that you should use your ingenuity to try to win a designer watch every two hours!
So doing a quick search for reindeer (as you do) I came across a man selling ‘reindeer food’ surely a scam. Then of course there is item number 5942611997 which is definitely a scam and only one of many spammers trying to cash in on eBay’s advertising I guess. It’s titled ‘Turn ?3 ($5) into ?10,000 ($18,000) This really Works – Try it for yourself ‘
So until eBay puts a report this auction now button I gess people are still gooing to be worried about fraud. Moreover new people looking at eBay because of their advertising are going to be getting mixed messaging.
So last night at around 10:30 there was a commotion outside. Not sure what was happening but some people shouting. Then later lots more commotion so my interest was piqued and I took a peak outside. Outside there was a police car in the middle of the road and a police man taping off the gardens below the flat. Some more commotion later and yet more police and more tape and more cars and vans.
Not sure what was going on at all but it continued on way after I should have been asleep but with all that noise that proved impossible. Unlike me actually as I normally fall asleep instantly my head hits the pillow.
So anyway needless to say when the alarm went of at 7:00 this morning I was still wanting for sleep and not a happy bunny.
I looked out the window and nothing of the night before was noticeable. no police tape, no police, no cars and no vans.
note to self: manchester trip overdue
I’m thinking maybe May would be a good time to visit! Failing that I could just buy the calendar and not visit at all…
On an entirely different note.
Christmas presents are hard to find for some people so when I found the ant farm thing and liked it I figure I should just buy it and then see who I haven’t got a present for yet. I think my neice might not like it though!
So I read recently that Bryan Brian McFadden was hooking up with Guy Chambers in the hopes of being the next Robbie Williams.
Listening to Irish Son earlier it strikes me he is much more likely to be the next Brian Bryan Adams.
note to self: be more festive
Okay so Meg and Dave have outdone themselves this year. Like VD only more festive… It’s ‘Tis Cards.
flickr and firefox
So I was playing with the search in Firefox the other day and I decided I wanted to be able to do a basic flickr tag search from the search bar. So here it is a
note to self: when you want something doing…
It looks like makelovenotspam are not the only people with server problems today. seem to be having major issues with their images not displaying. So if you are missing some images from the right hand side of this page now you know why!
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