My boss just sent me this link with the quote ‘I guess you’ll be on this list then‘
mardi gras pictures
Okay I know I’m a bit lax – thankfully Spence isn’t as bad and has put up his pics of Mardi Gras too 😉
Are you tired of all those mushy “friendship” poems that always Sound good
but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a “friendship”
poem that really speaks true friendship and truth itself:
Friend, when you are sad, I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge
against the bastard [or bitch if you are a fella] who made you sad.
When you are blue, I’ll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
When you smile, I’ll know you finally got some.
When you are scared, I will tease you about it every chance I get.
When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much
worse it could be and to stop whining.
When you are confused, I will use little words to explain it to your dumb
When you are sick, stay away from me until you’re well again. I don’t want
what you’ve got.
When you fall, I will try to keep from laughing.
This is my oath, I pledge ’til the end. Why, you ask? Because you Are my
Send this to ten of your friends then get depressed because You realise
you only have two, and one of them is not speaking to you Right now.
And always remember: A friend will help you move house. But a Really good
friend will help you move a body.
why is everything so complicated?
Okay so picture this…
Mortgage application. You need a few documents to support it. You give your financial advisor them all. He passes them on to the relevant companies. They ask for more. His admin assistant is now dealing with it and between them it has now taken 5 weeks to process. I mean come on. Friday the admin assistant called to say the mortgage company hadn’t received a document from work confirming my salary. Now they have 6 months worth of pay slips. How hard is it to add them up and multiply by two? I mean really?
Okay so work ‘forgot’ to send the details on Friday. So the admin assistant calls back today – now we start again (although it’s practically a week later grrrrr).
I mean how hard can it be to pick up the phone or fax a document. I wouldn’t mind if we weren’t paying them for the application.
Gah! The flat we are moving to is empty. I’m not selling mine. There is no chain. How hard can it be…
Those lovely people at innocent drinks have come up with a great event on 9th & 10th August fruitstock. Shame it clashes badly with Brighton & Hove Pride.
How cool are these first class stamps you can personalise? I love them. I can imagine someone trying to get pr0n ones done though 😉
Pride in the Park
Well actually it was more like Pride in the Rain. Matt summed the rain up with the phrase ‘God hates gays’. Still it was an excellent day made all the better for not having to traipse halfway accross London after the march!
Full review and some pics to follow. In the meantime Glenn has some pics of my stomach…
Life Laundry
Due to an impending move – plus because I’ve realised I just have way too much stuff for one person I’m having a bit of a clear out. Problem is that some of it I just don’t want to throw away. I’ve started to give some clothes to friends. Now also with books. I’ve also rediscovered So I’m releasing a lot of my books to others (so far only at work) but when I eventually get my arse in gear I’ll maybe venture into Urban Coffee in Tooting witha book or two. Have a coffee and leave the books.
The Tube
Recent events in London have meant the tube is again a popular topic of conversation.
I’ve noticed this in an increased number of hits for the culture jamming spoof stickers I saw on the tube and took pictures of back in June 2002.
So here are some more amusing links for those looking for info on the tube.
London Transport Museum presents ‘The Real Underground‘
A very rude spoof of the tube map we know and love!
fireman uniform
Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in some of my friends to look at a uniform before they look at the person in it. Okay so some of them have always been like that but it seems to be getting worse.
Now I’ve noticed that even though I have never really been into the whole ‘fireman uniform’ or ‘sportskit’ look I’ve begun to use phrases like ‘ooh firemen’ when a fire engine whizzes past.
Who says your friends don’t affect your behaviour!
Tuesday for instance. Mike and I were on our way home when I wandered up the platform so we could get on the carriage with the guys in shorts. It was obviously a football training night or something. I mean I know I’ve been to my own fair share of sports kit nights but it’s not because I am really into it. More because all of my friends seem to want to go there.
So anyway back to the fireman uniform. Matt and David were discussing wearing theirs to Pride in the Park at the weekend. I think they have decided against it now. Matt mentioned though that searching for ‘fireman uniform’ brings my site up. Quite why he was searching when he already has one only he can answer 😉 Although he isn’t as bad as Ben who sits and bids on items via text message on eBay.
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