six pints of lager

Allegedly that’s all it takes to get some straight men into bed.
Sometime I wonder if the same is true of gay men. Six pints and they go straight. Okay maybe not quite so cut and dried as straight or gay. You know where I am going with this I don’t need to lead you down the route. I’m feeling quite guilty about a comment I made to a friend before I came home to the UK from Sydney. It involved the usual bad taste of likening women to fish. I’m starting to see outside my conditioning of soho bars and bitchy queens. People are people and we like them for who they are.

I needed six pints of lager to recover from the topsy turvy day I had. All was going well. The sun was shining. My boss is happy with me. My colleagues all seemed happyish in the light of nasty shenanigans at work.

I arrived back in the office a few hours later to mayhem.

So more beers and a bad game of pool later and I was heading off to the brewers (yes again).

I had intended an early night tonight to make up for the excesses of the weekend. Ha. When you have friends in other time zones that never quite happens does it. Also when you have friends who may need another six pints of lager tomorrow.

friday diversions

The Friday Five

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?

I really couldn’t tell you. Lots let’s put it that way.

2. Which was your favorite and why?

My parents. It’s big and old with a huge hall and a cottage in the back garden. Need I say more?

3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?

Exciting. Think of the possibilities of a new place and a new area.

4. What’s more important, location or price?

Um I guess living in London price. I’d like to think location though.

5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)?

Lots of open space and windows for masses of light.

Photo Friday

This week’s challenge: “Spring“.

Friday Five
Photo Friday

futureforests and treesforlondon

My flight to Sydney and back via Kuala Lumpur was an estimated 34368 Km and produced 3.78 tonnes of CO2. According to I need to plant 5 trees to make my flight CarbonNeutral or supply 5 energy saving lightbulbs to a small community in the developing world. So that’s an additional ?42.50 to think about before I buy my next trip over. I think to be fair they should just add another tax.
I’ve gone for the trees option as I’ve already been sponsoring trees with

Battle to ‘nail Section 28’ starts in the House of Lords

The House of Lords is holding its first debate on the repeal of Section 28 in England and Wales on Thursday, 3 April. Stonewall expect this debate to provide the first indication of the level of opposition to the repeal of this hateful clause in the House of Lords.

Stonewall still need as many people as possible to help them in their campaign to “” by signing the petition against Section 28, which they are going to present to the three main political party leaders.

The next stage of debate in the House of Lords will come around Easter time when repeal will be discussed more closely by the committee considering the Local Government Bill.