I wish Ian would use

I wish Ian would use permalinks… anyways here is an excerpt
“When I finally got home, I pulled off my newly-christened jeans and hung them on the floor. Hmm. Seems I’d been parading around all night with a big sticker saying ’32 x 32 501 32 x 32 501…” plastered over my butt. Ah well.”
and here is a link and here is why I wanted to bring your attention to it…
I had bought a new pair of abercrombie jeans whilst in the US and went out for the night and then when we got back to the hotel and in the lift going up to our floor Jonathan pipes up – you might want to take that size label of your jeans…

It was all going so

It was all going so well – looking forward to going into work and getting back to it and bam…. the cold I have been struggling with knocked me over big style last night. So I am in bed still and feeling very sorry for myself with no man to cheer me up today 🙁
Also last night alegedly the taxi firm opposie my house was held up at gunpoint – I was too concerned coughing and sweating to get up and see what all the fuss was about but Elric was woken up and checked it out. Scary that and makes me wonder about staying in South London for much longer.
also reading yet another new book bought whilst I was away And the Band Played on – I watched the film years ago and the book is so far much better.
and in other news I was abducted by aliens at Davo’s birthday bash recently.

I just spent a great

I just spent a great weekend with Steve who I met at Mardi Gras and have been waiting to see again since. Unortunately he lives in Amsterdam and I have been in the states for the last 3 weeks so this was the first opportunity we have had to meet up. Was really nice even though I got a cold last night and felt like shit with travel shock [jet lag to the rest of you]. I also think I’m allergic to his cat [a gorgeous little black and white bundle of fluff called stella] but other than that had a lovely meal saturday night followed by drinks and ice cream at his flat in Highgate and then a lovely relaxed pub lunch today and more ice cream, flu remedies and good company. scally took a pic with his lovely new camera but in fear of jinxing the entire thing I am not gonna post it.
soback to work tomorrow feeling like poo and hopefully not having to deal with it as well.
Oh and I think I have fixed the bug that was preventing people posting their comments – so erm try it out!

Friday’s USA Today had an

Friday’s USA Today had an article about geo-caching and I was intrigued to see that although it is sweeping the US with it’s wide open spaces and preponderance of SUV’s but having looked at the site I was suprised to see that there are caches in the UK too. I was wondering if I could start a cache on my roof? That’d be a hard one to get! Having the NeverLost system inthe car though has made me consider going andbuying a handheld GPS I know I have absolutely no need for one yet somehow that doesn’t seem to be the point.