I just spent a great weekend with Steve who I met at Mardi Gras and have been waiting to see again since. Unortunately he lives in Amsterdam and I have been in the states for the last 3 weeks so this was the first opportunity we have had to meet up. Was really nice even though I got a cold last night and felt like shit with travel shock [jet lag to the rest of you]. I also think I’m allergic to his cat [a gorgeous little black and white bundle of fluff called stella] but other than that had a lovely meal saturday night followed by drinks and ice cream at his flat in Highgate and then a lovely relaxed pub lunch today and more ice cream, flu remedies and good company. scally took a pic with his lovely new camera but in fear of jinxing the entire thing I am not gonna post it.
soback to work tomorrow feeling like poo and hopefully not having to deal with it as well.
Oh and I think I have fixed the bug that was preventing people posting their comments – so erm try it out!
note to self
how's my typing?