oh and it looks like I may be able to make it to sports and shorts now as Jonathan looks like he isn’t having his birthday party when I thought he was…
okay so I was just
okay so I was just over at blogdex and saw a link to weblogger.com.br and just presumed that blogger had taken a leap into the spanish market. This was further bolstered by the fact that it is blogger but green and in spanish. Oh no on second glance it is just a completely blatant plagarism – not to worry though as that is flattery indeed. Ev seems to have noticed too “I even found a JavaScript bug they duplicated“
hungover :(
hungover 🙁
ooh I forgot to mention
ooh I forgot to mention that last night whilst I was staying in the citywest hotel in Dublin I met the Irish Soccer team in the showers – quite literally :o)
bugger bugger buggery bollocks I
bugger bugger buggery bollocks
I completely got messed up by the Bank Holiday thing and am supposed to be on a flight to Dublin at 5.30 tonight – only slight problem is I forgot and have not brought a change fo clothes or anything… gah and also I made plans for tonight and tomorrow night – which do not include me being in Dublin. In fact they are completely wrecked now – gah – memory of a seive me you know. bugger bugger bugger. I’ll ahve to ask Sheena nicely if I can go home over lunch and get some clothes – gah!
I love Bank Holiday weekends
I love Bank Holiday weekends but am a little confused why we don’t have more. Even New Zealand have the Queen’s Birthday off. We should too – I’m going to start a campaign for every weekend to be 3 days long – work 4 days off 3 – sounds fair to me. 3dayweekend.org?
So didn’t really get up to much at the weekend – which is always best I find. Friday night was sports and shorts friendly at The Ram in Islington with spence and mark and a few assorted others including a few complete hunks [spence had to keep reminding me I am no longer single]. Saturday was a lazy day on the roof sunbathing and eating followed by a barbeque/party at patrick’s in clapham. Sunday was more lazing but this time with rain so no naked sunbathing on the roof. Followed by a trip to the 2 brewers with dave Monday was even more slovenly having not woken up until the afternoon followed by a lazy day with aforementioned blogger and sustinence of biscuits, snack food and tea. All followed by meeting Jacs and Dippy and Sess in Soho Sq followed by lovely food at Satsuma’s and drinks in The Friendly Society [clinical and cold] and Village [sadly quiet] and home [very very messy].
I went on a discover
I went on a discover scuba course last night with elric [the dive instructor flatmate] since he is movong out soon he offered to take me for free and as I was kinda apprehensive it was just as well. There is something fundamentally wrong with breathing underwater.
Excellent – was the only word I could think of – the entire thing was brilliant being able to see and swim and breather for ages made swimming infinitely more pleasurable – shame Chelsea pool has no tropical fish in it – I will definitely be going on the full course and dragging Steve to the gold coast or something when we do Mardi Gras next year 😉
Completely unrelated is the fact that I read in the paper this morning about an entirely new ‘reality tv’ concept involving criminals, money for their victims and scolarships fr their kids… Where will this dull and lacklustre genre go next?
a few updates for you
a few updates for you then. I have finally managed to get a date from Elric when he is moving out – 3 Sept which is cool. I figured I would not bother having anyone else move in so that I would have the spare room and it would make it much easier when people stay over and the like. As with all plans though this one has fallen by the way side – Fabio was looking to move out of his place and has given notice and not found anywhere else so of course I have agreed he can move in – so I told Elric last night he has been replaced by a sexy young brasilian :o) – oh and he is also gay which is a bonus – bored of these straight boys not showering or tidying or cleaning…
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