Now following the news that

Now following the news that Tom cruise has filed another lawsuit [he recently sued a gay porn star] I have decided it may be dangerous to say I have slept with Tom Cruise. I mean obviously I haven’t slept with him [or even had sex with him] but I did used to fantasise about it [around about the Risky Business/Top Gun stage] so does that count? Do you reckon he could sue me for wanting to sleep with him? He stands to make $140 million as well which is not exactly pocket change do you reckon he would share it with soon to be ex-wife Nicole Kidman?

I was interviewed on The

I was interviewed on The Cook Report

True again I’m afraid. This follows on from I worked on Harley Street selling cosmetic surgery The outfit was so dogy [LST Clinics] that Roger Cook decided to look into it. They basically resold Aloe Vera at ?1050 a time under the guise of medical skin treatment. In fact everything was medical skin treatment or medical hair treatment and pretty much priced the same – unless you required surgery which cost a lot more. So I sat in the bar I was working in at the time and told the researchers everything and they did a big expose. All LST could think of as a comeback was to try and slander me by calling me gay. Erm some slander attempt that turned out to be

Not a very eventful weekend

Not a very eventful weekend but I did go up the millenium wheel which was really good. It’s amazing what you do when visiting a foreign city but when you live in London these things usually take a back seat. I highly recommend it – although BA referring to it as a flight was slightly annoying 😉
I followed this with a trip around west end bars. Andrew and I wandered from bar [with loud music] to bar [with loud music] not settling on a place which suited us. 8.30pm on a sunday and allt he bars were quiet or stupidly loud and quiet. The best of the bunch being Rupert Street [and those of you who know me will probably faint]. We even gave up on Barcode which was just wierd – although the cute man that kept looking at me as I left was nice 😉 So an early night was had instead of a night on the tiles.

I worked for Danny la

I worked for Danny la Rue
This one is true. I did work for him. I used to work at La Rues Cafe Bar in Manette Street and I must say was one of the most enjopyable times I’ve had. Shaun was one of the other licensee’s and he was fantastic and I met loads of cool people. The opening night though I upset a Bond Girl [and I’m not mentioning which one] as I asked her if she was in theatre or film. She did not seem impressed I did not know immediately who she was. Babs Windsor was a delight though and always very friendly and chatty. Oh I have to stop reminiscing. Did you used to drink at La Rues [now the Acoustic Cafe]?