They announced direct trains from Amsterdam to London starting April 30 so hopefully today is the last time I have to change in Brussels.

Upside Down Map – with North/South reversal
What would the tube map look like if South London had all the tube trains instead of north London having the majority of them as it does at the moment?
So London has closed down due to snow. It’s the most snow we have had in 18 years apparently and more to come today. All very exciting but means I can’t make it into the office and neither can most other people unless they can walk. Another ten centimetres forecast for today which means most people even if they could get in might not make it back out again!
The Airports are now closing too which means it is bad, trains are suspended in the south west and the south east, all except one tube line is part suspended – the Victoria line is the only one which is completely underground so the weather rarely affects it.
So snowball fight anyone? Oh and don’t eat yellow snow…
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