Hello I know that you will be surprised to receive this letter from me since you don’t know me in person, Please Read my massage very clear to understand that I want you to be my mutual partner for a very good business proposal but before we continue to the business in question I will like you to know me more, I’m Rebbecca Hush, female, single and I’m presently in the USA, My parents are Cocoa merchants and exporters residing in Republic of Cote D’Ivoire but they where suddenly attacked and killed by some rebel groups during the war in CoteD’Ivoire, My Late Father made a fix deposit with one of the commercial banks in Republic of Cote D’Ivoire before his sudden death, I need your assistance to transfer this fund to your Country for investment, I will give you more details about me and the amount involve in my next email, I’m looking forward to your reply Regards Rebbecca
note to self
how's my typing?
This is spam from Nigerian mafia 🙂
They do hope to get your money 😉