- It's great to know UK government feel that press self regulation is working so well like it has with MPs expenses http://bit.ly/awAj14 #PCC #
- So does this mean other agencies can refuse adoptive parents because they are Catholic? Prejudice allowed for some… http://bit.ly/bVfH4J #
- @dbushe what is it some sort of holiday 😉 in reply to dbushe #
- @O2 I can get either a £15 'simplicity' tariff with Unlimited Data & Wi-Fi or a £20 iPhone tariff – £5 more to use the iPhone why is that? #
- @O2 sorry should have been more specific – the 1 month tariffs – here http://bit.ly/a0yqoR and here http://bit.ly/1FHSNv in reply to O2 #
- @O2 but you can get the unlimited data and wifi as a free bolt on… in reply to O2 #
- @aremadeofthis do you want a sports? deep tissue? hot stone? in reply to aremadeofthis #
- @screechin are all your tweets going to be about 6 music today? 🙂 in reply to screechin #
- @aremadeofthis I'll ask Andrew who the guy we use in Clapham is (he normally books so I have no idea) in reply to aremadeofthis #
- @faustshausuk well at least you can get removed. I seem to have been added to some DE expedia database and can't unsubscribe grrr in reply to faustshausuk #
- must stop eating mini eggs #
note to self
how's my typing?